《At one with nature》Section ⅢPPT下载

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  • 详细信息
    • ID:67553
    • 版本:外研版(2019)
    • 册别:必修第一册
    • 等级:普通
    • 年份:2019
    • 大小:1160 KB
    • 格式:pptx
《At one with nature》Section ⅢPPT下载-预览图01
《At one with nature》Section ⅢPPT下载-预览图02
《At one with nature》Section ⅢPPT下载-预览图03
《At one with nature》Section ⅢPPT下载-预览图04
《At one with nature》Section ⅢPPT下载-预览图05


外研版(2019)英语必修第一册《At one with nature》Section ⅢPPT下载
《At one with nature》Section ⅢPPT下载 第一部分内容:专项突破 定语从句(3) 课堂要点精析 当关系代词在定语从句中作介词的宾语时,我们通常用“介词+关系代词”引导定语从句。如果指“人”,用“介词+whom”;如果指“物”,用“介词+which”。 (1) 在介词后作宾语的关系代词一般只能用which 和whom,不用that和who。 (2) 但是当介词放在后面时,在限制性定语从句中,可用that代替which/whom,并且that可省略。 (3) 在定语从句中,有一些含介词的动词短语不可拆开使用(短语拆开后含义发生变化),如look after, look for等。 ◆The babies whom the nurses are looking after are very healthy.(    ) ◆The babies after whom the nurses are looking are very healthy.(    ) 关系代词前介词选择的原则 1.根据定语从句中的谓语动词或形容词和介词的搭配关系选择 ◆Yesterday we visited the West Lake for which Hangzhou is famous. 昨天我们参观了西湖,杭州因其而出名。 2.根据定语从句中介词与先行词的搭配关系选择 ◆The old woman with whom you talked just now is a famous artist. 刚才和你们说话的老太太是一个著名的艺术家。 3.根据句子的意思来选择 ◆My computer,without which I can’t surf the Internet,broke down yesterday. 昨天我的电脑坏了,没有它我不能网上冲浪。 “介词+关系代词”的几种常见结构 1.“介词+which”在定语从句中分别可作时间、地点和原因状语,代替相应的关系副词when, where和why。 ◆I’ll never forget the day on which(=when) she said goodbye to me.  我永远不会忘记她与我们告别的那一天。 ◆The house in which(=where)we live is not large. 我们住的房子不是很大。 ◆This is the reason for which(=why) he was put in prison.  这就是他坐牢的原因。 2.“代词/数词+of+which/whom”引导非限制性定语从句 这个结构中,代词常常为all, each, one, many, much, most, some, none, both等,“代词+of+which/whom”通常在定语从句中作主语,说明整体中的一部分。有时候也可把“of+which/whom”置于代词或数词前。 ◆I have ten books, half of which were written by Mo Yan. 我有10本书,其中一半是莫言写的。 ◆The old man has two sons,both of whom are lawyers. 这位老人有两个儿子,两个儿子都是律师。 3.“the+名词+of which/whom”引导非限制性定语从句 这个结构中,of which/whom充当定语,修饰前面的名词,整个结构相当于“whose+名词”引导的定语从句。 ◆I saw some trees, the leaves of which(=whose leaves ) were yellow with disease.  我看见一些树,它们的叶子因害病而发黄。 ◆On the blackboard the teacher wrote a sentence, the meaning of which(=whose meaning ) I don’t understand.  老师在黑板上写了一个句子,句子的意思我不明白。 4.“the+形容词比较级(最高级)+of+which/whom”引导非限制性定语从句 ◆There are two buildings, the larger of which stands nearly a hundred feet height. 这儿有两座建筑物,较大的那座几乎有100英尺高。 课后跟踪训练 Ⅰ 单句语法填空 1.Maria has written two novels, both of _________ have been made into television series. 2.The girl to  _________ you talked just now is our English teacher. 3.Recently I bought an ancient Chinese vase, the price of  _________ was very reasonable. 4.The woman  _________ whom you shook hands just now is head of our company. 5.(2019•江苏泰州一中期中)The death of his son was an experience from _________ he never fully recovered. 6.She is a teacher of much knowledge, from _________ much can be learned. 7.(天津卷)English is a language shared by several diverse(不同的) cultures, _________ of which uses it differently. 8.This is the student for _________ I bought the book. 9.She brought with her three friends, none _____ whom I had ever met before. 10.The Second World War during _________millions of people were killed ended in 1945. Ⅱ 语法与写作 1.毕业以后,他回到那个他长大的小镇上。 After graduation he returned to the small town  ___________________________. 2.我不喜欢你跟你父母讲话的方式。 I don’t like the way ___________________________________. 3.我们在学生中进行了一次调查,78%的学生投票支持Lee来当班长。 We made a survey among the students, ____________________ voted Lee their monitor. 4.我永远不会忘记她与我第一次见面的那一天。 I’ll never forget the day _________________________________ ___________. 5.据报道,在我的家乡正在建的两所学校将在明年投入使用。 It is reported that two schools, ___________________________ in my hometown, will open next year. ... ... ... At one with nature PPT,第二部分内容:妙笔生花 介绍一个地方 写作指导 文体感知 介绍一个地方属于说明文的范畴,写此类文章需注意以下几个方面: 1.内容:一般包括该地区的地理位置、地貌特征、历史文化、风土人情等,也可以描述该地区的发展变化。 2.结构:写作时可分为三部分。开头部分对该地区进行简单概括;主体部分详细介绍其特点;结尾部分对该地区进行总体评价。 3.时态:如果对该地区进行一些客观描写及主观发挥,一般以现在时为主;如果对比过去则用过去时;展望未来则可以用将来时。 增分佳句 1.段首常用语: (1)Located in...it covers an area of...with a population of... (2)The beauty of...is in the east of... (3)I’d like to introduce my hometown to you. 2.介绍一个地区的常用语: (1)I would like to introduce... (2)It’s a beautiful city/place of...It faces the sea. (3)The place is located in...covering an area of.../covering...square metres. (4)There are a variety of attractions such as... (5) ...is famous/well­known for... (6)In addition, there are...with a history/population of...  3.段尾常用语: (1)If you want to have fun and more than fun, do come to... (2)It attracts millions of visitors all over the world. (3)You are sure to have a good time here. (4)That’s all, thank you. You are welcome to... ... ... ... At one with nature PPT,第三部分内容:典题示例 写作要求 最近,某中学英语报向学生征文,主题为“New Look of My Hometown”。请你根据以下内容提示,用英语为该报写一篇短文,介绍家乡的情况并发表自己的看法。 概况 1.位于福建东部; 2.气候温暖多雨,常年绿树成荫; 3.近年经济发展迅速,城市面貌焕然一新,高楼林立,道路宽阔,环境优美; 4.人民生活条件不断改善,不少人搬进新居,拥有私家车 词句推敲 1.词汇 ①位于……的东部___________________ ②充足 ___________________ ③一年到头 ___________________ ④看起来像  ___________________ ⑤呈现出新的面貌  ___________________ ⑥一天又一天  ___________________ ⑦属于自己的  ___________________ 2.句式 ①我的家乡位于福建东部。一条小河穿过我的家乡。 普通表达:My hometown lies in the east of Fujian. A small river flows through my hometown. 高级表达:______________________________________________________________ (用with复合结构改写句子) ②一年到头都有绿树和漂亮的花朵。这使得我的家乡看起来像个大花园。 普通表达:There are green trees and beautiful flowers everywhere all the year round. This makes my hometown look like a large garden. 高级表达:_________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________ (用定语从句改写句子) ... ... ... 关键词:外研版高中英语必修一PPT课件免费下载,At one with nature PPT下载,.PPT格式;


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