《Family matters》Section Ⅵ PPT课件

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  • 详细信息
    • ID:67469
    • 版本:外研版(2019)
    • 册别:必修第一册
    • 等级:普通
    • 年份:2019
    • 大小:2656 KB
    • 格式:pptx
《Family matters》Section Ⅵ PPT课件-预览图01
《Family matters》Section Ⅵ PPT课件-预览图02
《Family matters》Section Ⅵ PPT课件-预览图03


外研版(2019)英语必修第一册《Family matters》Section Ⅵ PPT课件
《Family matters》Section Ⅵ PPT课件 第一部分内容:用英语介绍中国——必用三句 1.In Chinese wedding, the groom and bride usually serve tea to their parents. 在中式婚礼上,新郎和新娘通常要向他们的父母敬茶。 2.Red is central to the wedding theme of China. 红色是中式婚礼主题色调。 3.Funeral customs are very important to Chinese. 中国非常注重丧葬礼仪。 ①wedding n. 婚礼 ②groom n. 新郎 ③bride n. 新娘 ④theme n.  主题 ⑤custom n.  风俗,习俗 ... ... ... Family matters PPT,第二部分内容:用英语介绍中国——必通古今 Chinese Wedding 中国婚礼 Traditional Chinese wedding customs are considered as the foundation of rites (礼仪) in traditional Chinese culture. A wedding is usually a grand occasion (场面) with overly elaborate formalities. 中国的婚礼习俗是中国传统礼仪文化的一大部分。中式婚礼场面正式隆重。  There are eight major procedures of a wedding, including proposal making, birthday matching, marriage divination, betrothal (订婚) gifts presenting, wedding date fixing, dowry urging, welcoming the bride to the wedding and performing the formal wedding ceremony. 传统中式婚礼有八个步骤,包括提亲、生辰八字、纳吉、过大礼、确定婚期、置办嫁妆、迎亲、婚礼仪式。 Chinese Funeral 中国丧礼 Chinese funeral rites and burial customs are determined by the age of the deceased (逝者), cause of death, status and position in society, and marital (婚姻的) status.  中国丧葬礼仪是按照逝者的年龄、去世原因、社会地位、婚姻状况等方面来决定的。  When a death occurs in a family, all mirrors are removed. A white cloth is hung over the doorway to the house. During the wake (守灵), the family do not wear jewelry or red clothing. Traditionally, children and grandchildren of the deceased did not cut their hair for 49 days after the death.  逝者逝世,要摘除所有的镜子。门廊悬挂白布。守灵期间,家人禁忌穿戴珠宝或者红色衣服。按照习俗,逝世49天内,子女晚辈忌讳理发。 ... ... ... Family matters PPT,第三部分内容:用英语介绍中国——模拟对话 W: Look, the bride is wearing a red Qi Pao. M: Yeah, very beautiful.  W: 看,新娘穿着一件红色旗袍。 M: 是呀,非常漂亮。  W: What's the most important ritual in a Chinese wedding?  M: Well, the groom and bride bow to the Earths and the Heavens to become husband and wife.  W: 中式婚礼最重要的礼仪是什么? M: 嗯,新郎和新娘要拜天地,才成为夫妻。  W: Are you free tomorrow?  M: I'm sorry, but I have to join a funeral.  W: 你明天有空吗? M: 抱歉,明天我得去参加一场葬礼。 ... ... ... 关键词:外研版高中英语必修一PPT课件免费下载,Family matters PPT下载,.PPT格式;


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