《Family matters》Section ⅡPPT下载

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  • 详细信息
    • ID:67467
    • 版本:外研版(2019)
    • 册别:必修第一册
    • 等级:普通
    • 年份:2019
    • 大小:1189 KB
    • 格式:pptx
《Family matters》Section ⅡPPT下载-预览图01
《Family matters》Section ⅡPPT下载-预览图02
《Family matters》Section ⅡPPT下载-预览图03
《Family matters》Section ⅡPPT下载-预览图04


外研版(2019)英语必修第一册《Family matters》Section ⅡPPT下载
《Family matters》Section ⅡPPT下载 第一部分内容:新知感悟 重点单词 基础词汇 1._________ n.  皮肤 2. _________ n.  面颊,脸颊 3. _________ n.  慢跑锻炼 4. _________ adj.  苗条的,修长的 5. _________ n.  系列比赛 6. _________ prep.   到……上,向……上,朝……上 7. _________ n.   跑道 8. _________ adj.   情同手足的,兄弟的 9. _________ n.   新闻媒体,传媒 10. _________ adv.   明显地,显而易见地 11. _________ prep.   尽管,虽然 12. ____________ prep.   在整个期间,自始至终 重点短语 1. ______________  领先 2. ______________  有麻烦 3. ______________  不时地 4. ______________________  由于……受到高度赞扬 5. ______________  不再 6. ______________  力求达到;计划,打算 7. ______________  同意;赞同 8. __________________  同某人分享某物 重点句型 1.with+宾语+宾语补足语:____________________________ (只剩下700米未跑完时), Alistair Brownlee was in third place and his younger brother, Jonny, was in the lead. 2.since引导时间状语从句:The Brownlee brothers have been doing triathlons ____________________________ (当他们还是孩子的时候). 3.虚拟语气:Mum ___________________________ (不会开心) if I’d left Jonny behind. ... ... ... Family matters PPT,第二部分内容:语篇理解 Read the passage on Page 32 carefully and choose the best answer.  1.What can we know from the first paragraph? A.Alistair Brownlee had to be pushed by others in the race. B.Jonny was faster than his brother before falling down. C.It was extremely hot the day the triathlon was held. D.Alistair found it hard to choose whether to help his brother or not. 2.Which of the following is true according to the text? A.Alistair was the first crossing the finish line. B.Jonny pushed Alistair over the finish line. C.Alistair helped Jonny become a winner. D.Alistair was proud of his own move. 3.Why does Alistair think that having a brother is “an advantage”? A.Because he can’t leave his brother when they train. B.Because he likes arguing with his brother over stupid things.  C.Because his brother sets him a good example to learn from. D.Because his brother can bring him positive force in everything. 4.From Alistair’s explanation for his decision, we know that ________. A.Alistair is afraid of his mother B.Alistair really treated himself as a brother C.Alistair’s mother loves his bother more than him D.Alistair didn’t like others’ opinions on his actions ... ... ... Family matters PPT,第三部分内容:词汇精研 in the lead 领先 (教材P32)With just 700 metres to go, Alistair Brownlee was in third place and his younger brother, Jonny, was in the lead. 只剩下700米未跑完时, 阿里斯特尔•布朗利处于第三的位置,他的弟弟乔尼处于领先位置。 take the lead 占主要地位,领先,带头 lead a happy/quiet life  过幸福/宁静的生活 lead to   导致;通向 lead sb.to someplace  带领某人去某个地方 ①Number five is in the lead, and it looks like he is going to win. 现在领先的是五号,看样子他会一举夺冠。 ②There is no doubt that stress can lead ____ physical illness. 毫无疑问,心理压力会导致生理疾病。 ③The invention of the new type of machine led to him/his  ___________ (win) the prize. 这种新型机器的发明使他赢得了这个奖。 ④Could you do me a favor and lead me ____ the bus station? 你能帮个忙带我去公共汽车站吗? despite prep. 尽管,虽然 (教材P33)Despite arguments over “stupid things” now and then, Alistair agrees that having a brother is an advantage. 尽管他们时不时会为了一些无聊的事情争论一番,阿里斯特尔还是认为有个弟弟是一件好事。 (1)despite=in spite of 尽管 despite/in spite of the fact that...  尽管事实上……  (2)regardless of  不管,不顾 ①(山东卷)In spite of/Despite many invitations, he would always decline to visit Oxford. 尽管多次受到邀请,他还是拒绝去牛津。 ②He couldn’t see what was happening inside the crowd, despite ___________ (jump) upwards hard. 尽管他使劲向上跳,他依然看不到人群中发生了什么事。 ③They will carry out the plan, regardless _____ what happens. 不管发生什么,他们都将完成这个计划。 ... ... ... Family matters PPT,第四部分内容:句型精析 since引导时间状语从句 (教材P33)The Brownlee brothers have been doing triathlons since they were children. 布朗利兄弟从孩童时起就一直进行铁人三项的训练。 句中since引导时间状语从句时,表示“自从……以来多久了”,从句中的谓语动词多用一般过去时,而主句中的谓语动词多用现在完成时或现在完成进行时。 (1)since的基本用法: ①作副词,单独使用,在句中作时间状语; ②作介词,后接表示时间的名词(短语); ③作连词,引导时间状语从句,从句通常用一般过去时。 (2)since的常见句式:It is/has been+一段时间+since从句(常用过去时). ①We have never met since we graduated from the college. 自从大学毕业后我们就再也没有见过面。 ②He left home two weeks ago and we haven’t heard from him ever ________. 他两周前离家外出,我们至今还没有他的音信。 ③They ________________ (not see) each other since they quarreled. 自从吵架后,他们就没再见过面。 ④(四川卷)As is reported,it is 100 years ________ Qinghua University was founded. 据报道,自清华大学建校以来已有一百多年了。 ... ... ... 关键词:外研版高中英语必修一PPT课件免费下载,Family matters PPT下载,.PPT格式;


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