《Family matters》Section ⅢPPT教学课件

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  • 详细信息
    • ID:67462
    • 版本:外研版(2019)
    • 册别:必修第一册
    • 等级:普通
    • 年份:2019
    • 大小:1131 KB
    • 格式:pptx
《Family matters》Section ⅢPPT教学课件-预览图01
《Family matters》Section ⅢPPT教学课件-预览图02
《Family matters》Section ⅢPPT教学课件-预览图03
《Family matters》Section ⅢPPT教学课件-预览图04
《Family matters》Section ⅢPPT教学课件-预览图05
《Family matters》Section ⅢPPT教学课件-预览图06
《Family matters》Section ⅢPPT教学课件-预览图07


外研版(2019)英语必修第一册《Family matters》Section ⅢPPT教学课件
《Family matters》Section ⅢPPT教学课件 第一部分内容:语言基础自测 Ⅰ.单词拼写 根据汉语提示,写出下列单词 1.He tends to avoid all________ (身体的)contact. 2.Judging by________ (外表)can be misleading. 3.Every morning he goes  ________(慢跑). 4.She has a beautiful ________ (皮肤). 5.How do you manage to stay so________(苗条的)? Ⅱ.拓展词汇 根据词性和汉语提示,写出下列单词 1.physics n.物理→ ________adj.身体的,肉体的→physically adv.物质地 2.appear v.出现→ ________ n.外表,外观→disappear v.消失 3.rose n.玫瑰→ ________adj.粉红色的 4.jog v.慢跑→ ________ n.慢跑 Ⅲ.补全短语 根据提示补全下列短语 1.work________致力于 2.draw________拟订,草拟 3.________one's thirties  某人三十多岁时 4.________though  即使 5.kind________有点,有几分 6.take some time____ work  休假 7.make up ________ 弥补 8.look forward________  期待,盼望 9.have an impact________  对……有影响 Ⅳ.选词填空 选用上述短语的适当形式填空 1.That made me feel________ stupid. 2.I ________________the weekend. 3.I'll get there,________ I have to walk. 4.Nothing can ________the loss of a child. 5.They agreed to ________a formal agreement. ... ... ... Family matters PPT,第二部分内容:核心要点探究 (教材P30)...jogging has kept her slim and fit.……慢跑使她苗条并健康。 (1)jogging n.慢跑 go jogging  去跑步 jogging shoes  慢跑鞋 jog one's memory  唤起某人记忆 ①It wasn't the walking and jogging that got his weight down. 他并不是因为散步和慢跑而瘦下来的。 ②Do you want to go________ (jog)now? 现在去跑步吗? (2)slim adj.苗条的,修长的 slim v. 减肥 slim(sth.)down  精简;裁员 ③She keeps her slim figure and is free of wrinkles. 她保持着苗条的身材,脸上也没有皱纹。 ④Many firms staff are a lot ________(slim)than they used to be. 许多公司的员工比过去少多了。 ⑤You can still eat breakfast when you________(slim). 你减肥也可以吃早餐。 (教材P30)Strangely,his beard is still red even though his hair is turning grey.真怪,即使他的头发成了灰白色的,而胡子还是红色的。 【要点提炼】此句为主从复合句。his beard is still red是主句,even though his hair is turning grey是让步状语从句。 引导让步状语从句的常用连词有: (1)although/though 尽管,虽然 even though/even if  即使,尽管 (2)whether...or...  不管……还是…… 疑问词+­ever/no matter+疑问句 不管……;无论…… (3)while常用在句首;when常用在句中,相当于although。 ①He is unhappy,though/although he has a lot of money. 虽然他很有钱,但他并不幸福。 ②Whatever(=No matter what)you say,he won't believe you.无论你说什么,他都不会相信你。 ③Even________  it is raining,we'll go there. 尽管下着雨,我们也要去那里。 ④________  I admit that there are problems,I don't agree that they cannot be solved.尽管我承认有问题存在,但我不同意说这些问题不能解决。 ... ... ... Family matters PPT,第三部分内容:语法专项突破 动词时态 语 境 自 主 领 悟 先观察原句 1.The music industry is developing fast now. 2.I want to work in a studio,not a court. 3.I told you to calm down,both of you! 4.If you go to university and play music at the same time,you will have two options for your future. 5.I've decided not to go to university. 后自主感悟 1.例句1中的is developing是____________时态。 2.例句2中的现在时态是________。 3.例句3中的told是________ 。 4.例句4是复合句,表示一般将来时态的是________。 5.例句5中have decided是__________时态。 ... ... ... Family matters PPT,第四部分内容:语法精要点拨 一、一般现在时 (1)表示客观事实或普遍真理(不受时态限制)。 Time and tide wait for no man.岁月不等人。 (2)表示现状、性质、状态时多用系动词或状态动词;表示经常或习惯性的动作,多用动作动词,且常与表频率的时间状语连用。 Ice feels cold. 冰摸着很凉。 These oranges taste good. 这些桔子味道不错。 They always care for each other and help each other. 他们总是互相照顾,互相帮助。 (3)表示知觉、态度、感情、某种抽象的关系或概念的词常用一般现在时,如see,hear,smell,taste,feel,notice,agree,believe,like,hate,want,think,belong to,seem等。 He likes his bike. 他喜欢他的自行车。 All the students here belong to No.1 Middle School. 这儿的所有学生都是一中的。 (4)在时间、条件状语从句中常用一般现在时代替将来时。 I'll write to her when I have time. 我有空的时候会给她写信。 (5)少数用于表示起止或转移等的动词如come,go,leave,arrive,fly,return,start,begin,open,close,end,stop等常用一般现在时代替将来时,表示一个按规定、计划或安排要发生的动作。当be表示根据时间或事先安排肯定会出现的状态时,只用一般现在时。 The shop closes at 11:00 p.m.every day. 这家商店每天晚上11点关门。 Tomorrow is Wednesday. 明天是星期三。 [即时演练1] 单句语法填空 ①He________ (get)up at six o'clock. ②There______ (be)some water in the bottle. ③We shall go to Shanghai on business before he ________(come) back next week. 二、一般过去时 (1)一般过去时的基本用法:表示过去的事情、动作或状态,常与表示过去的具体时间状语连用(或有上下文语境暗示);用于表达过去的习惯;表示说话人原来没有料到、想到或希望的事。 We met her in the street yesterday. 昨天我们在街上遇见了她。 When he was young,he took cold baths regularly. 他年轻时经常洗冷水澡。 I didn't expect to see you studying at the library. 我没料想到会看见他在图书馆学习。 (2)如果从句中有一个过去的时间状语,尽管从句中的动作先于主句发生,但从句中的谓语动词仍用过去时。 He told me he read an interesting novel last night. 他告诉我昨晚他看了一本有趣的小说。 (3)表示两个紧接着发生的动作,由以下词语连接,常用一般过去时。如:but,and,when,as soon as,immediately,the moment,the minute等。 He bought a watch but lost it. 他买了块手表,但是丢了。 The moment she came in,she told me what had happened to her. 她一进来就把她遇到的事告诉了我。 ... ... ... 关键词:外研版高中英语必修一PPT课件免费下载,Family matters PPT下载,.PPT格式;


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