《Family matters》PPT课件(第2课时)

  • 2024-10-01
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  • 详细信息
    • ID:67459
    • 版本:外研版(2019)
    • 册别:必修第一册
    • 等级:精品
    • 年份:2022
    • 大小:338 KB
    • 格式:pptx
《Family matters》PPT课件(第2课时)-预览图01
《Family matters》PPT课件(第2课时)-预览图02


外研版(2019)英语必修第一册《Family matters》PPT课件(第2课时)
外研版高中英语必修一《Family matters》PPT课件(第2课时),共32页。 Learning Objectives By the end of this class, you will be able to: 1. review and understand the form and usages of five tenses; 2. use the five tenses correctly; 3. describe physical appearances with words and expressions appropriately.  Discovering and analyzing Please read the passage, find the 5 sentences in activity 1 on page 29 and decide which tense each is in and match the tenses to what they describe. Summarizing Please try to summarize these five tenses with this table. 1. 一般现在时 形式:主语 + am/is/are;主语 + do/does 功能:用来描述 1)现在存在的特征或状态; 2)经常发生的或习惯性动作; 3)客观事实或普遍真理。 例句:1) The lion is a large animal of the cat family. 2) They walk to school every day. 3) Light travels faster than sound. 2. 一般过去时 形式:主语 + did;主语 + was/were 功能:用来描述 1)过去某个时间发生的动作或产生的状态; 2)过去经常发生的或习惯性动作。 例句: 1)I got up at 6:30 yesterday.  2)My father was very busy last week. 3. 一般将来时 形式:主语 + will/shall + do;主语 + am/is/are + going to do;主语 + am/is/are + to do; 功能:用来描述 1)将来要发生的动作或产生的状态; 2)计划、打算、决心去做某事; 3)即将发生或肯定要发生某事。 例句: 1) He will come tomorrow. 2) Mary and Jane are going to see the film tonight. ... ... ... 关键词:Family matters PPT课件免费下载,.PPT格式;


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