《The internet》Section D PPT

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  • 详细信息
    • ID:67239
    • 版本:人教版(2019)
    • 册别:必修第二册
    • 等级:普通
    • 年份:2020
    • 大小:934 KB
    • 格式:pptx
《The internet》Section D PPT-预览图01
《The internet》Section D PPT-预览图02
《The internet》Section D PPT-预览图03
《The internet》Section D PPT-预览图04
《The internet》Section D PPT-预览图05


人教版(2019)英语必修第二册《The internet》Section D PPT
《The internet》Section D PPT 第一部分内容:课前篇自主预习 Ⅰ.知识体系图解  重点词汇 1.__________ vt.&vi.点击  2.__________ n.偷(窃);盗窃罪  3.__________ adj.粗鲁的;无礼的  4.__________ n.目标;对象;靶子  vt.把……作为攻击目标 5.__________ adj.假的;错误的  6.__________ adj.特定的;特别的;讲究的  7.__________ adj.心烦的;苦恼的;沮丧的  vt.(upset,upset) 使烦恼;使生气;搅乱 8.__________ n.准则;指导原则  9.__________ n.作者;作家  10.__________ n.忠告;诀窍;实用的提示  11.__________ adj.熟悉的;熟知的  12.__________ n.盒;箱;情况;案件  重点短语 1.make fun of__________ 2.be familiar with__________ 3.keep...in mind__________ 4.stay safe__________ 5.give out__________ 6.make trouble__________ 7.take over__________ 8.build up relations__________ 9.make friends__________ 10.all the time__________ 重点句式 However,the more polite you are,the less likely it is you will be attacked. 写作 写博客 创新应用 比较英语学习网站/应用 Ⅱ.释义匹配 1.rude  A.something that you are trying to achieve 2.target  B.unhappy and worried because of something unpleasant 3.false    C.a helpful piece of advice 4.upset   D.not real,but made to look or seem real 5.tip       E.not polite;offensive or embarrassing 答案:1.E 2.A 3.D 4.B 5.C Ⅲ.介(副)词填空 1.It is wrong of you to make fun__________ others.  2.Don’t give __________your personal information on the Internet.  3.Her father always ensured she was well provided __________.  4.Most people are familiar __________this figure from Wagner’s opera.  5.While I’m out you might clean __________the kitchen.  ... ... ... The internet PPT,第二部分内容:课堂篇学习理解 1.particular adj.特定的;特别的;讲究的 【课文原句】Like a troll,a cyberbully will also write something mean but it is usually directed at particular people. 像发挑衅帖子的人一样,网络恶霸也会写一些刻薄的东西,但通常是针对特定的人。 【词汇精讲】 particular为形容词,意为“特定的;特别的;讲究的”。 There was nothing in the letter of particular importance. 这封信里没有什么特别重要的事。 Mary is going on a diet,so she is very particular about food. 玛丽正在节食,所以她对食物相当挑剔。 2.upset adj.心烦的;苦恼的;沮丧的 vt.(upset,upset)使烦恼;使生气;搅乱 【课文原句】It seemed like a joke at first,but the girl was very upset. 起初看起来像玩笑,但女孩很烦恼。 【词汇精讲】upset作形容词,意为“心烦的,苦恼的,沮丧的”;作动词,意为“使烦恼,使生气,搅乱”。 She was upset to know that her application for the position was refused. 得知她对这个职位的申请遭到拒绝,她感到很沮丧。 The fact that too many advertisements are inserted in TV programs has upset most TV viewers. 在电视节目中插入太多的广告使大多数电视观众感到心烦。 All my plans were upset by the sudden change in weather. 天气的骤变打乱了我的全部计划。 3.familiar adj.熟悉;熟知 【课文原句】Use a website you are familiar with. 使用你熟悉的网站。 【词汇精讲】familiar是形容词,意为“熟悉;熟知”,可作定语或表语。 Mr Brown is a familiar figure in the neighbourhood. 布朗先生在这个地区是大家熟悉的人物。 Are you familiar with the computer software they use? 你熟悉他们使用的计算机软件吗? 4.keep in mind牢记 【课文原句】Tell the reader what they should do or keep in mind. 告诉读者他们该做什么,记住什么。 【词汇精讲】keep in mind是固定搭配,意为“牢记”,也可写作keep...in mind。 Keep in mind you’re doing this for you just as much as them,so don’t be upset if they don’t react as you hoped.谨记你这样做是为他们,同样也是为自己,所以即便他们的反应和你期望的不一样也不要伤心。 Please keep in mind that success comes from hard work while laziness leads to failure. 请记住,成功来自勤奋,懒惰则导致失败。 重点句式 However,the more polite you are,the less likely it is you will be attacked. 然而,你越有礼貌,你受到攻击的可能性就越小。 【句式剖析】“the+比较级...,the+比较级...”意为“越……就越……”,第一个“the+比较级”是表示条件的状语从句(在表示将来意义时,从句用一般现在时表示将来);第二个“the+比较级”是主句。 The more you speak English,the better your English will become. 你说英语越多,你的英语水平就会越高。 The more a person reads,the wiser he will become. 一个人书读得越多就会变得越明智。 The more careful you are,the fewer mistakes you will make. 你越小心,你犯的错就会越少。 The faster,the better.越快越好。 【句式拓展】(1)“比较级+and+比较级”或“more and more+原级”表示“越来越……”。 Holiday flight tickets are getting less and less expensive. 假期的机票越来越便宜了。 (2)“the+比较级+of (the)+名词/代词”,表示“(两者中)较……的”。 Of the two cameras,I would prefer the smaller one,which is very easy for me to carry. 这两个照相机,我喜欢较小的那个,它容易携带。 高分写作 有关微信的博客 假如你是某校高一学生会主席李华,学校英语网站邀请你写一篇有关微信的文章,刊登在学校网站上。请你根据所给提示,用英语写一篇短文。 1.微信拉近了人们之间的距离; 2.有虚假信息,容易让人上当受骗; 3.不要告诉陌生人自己的信息; 4.不要玩微信成瘾。 注意:1.词数100左右; 2.可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。 随堂练习 Ⅰ.单词拼写 1.He __________(点击) on a link and immediately recent reviews of the movie came up.  答案:clicked 2.The little girl was so __________(没礼貌的) to people,which made her mother upset.  答案:rude 3.Can you tell me how to find out __________(虚假的) information on the Internet?  答案:false 4.It __________(使烦恼) Mr Brown that nobody had bothered to tell him what had happened.  答案:upset 5.I would like to be your guide because I am__________(熟悉的) with the streets of the town.  答案:familiar Ⅱ.语篇填空 Many people always wonder how 1.__________(stay) safe on the Internet.Here is some advice.First,if you see or read something 2.__________makes you feel uncomfortable,leave the site immediately.Second,don’t give out your address 3.__________ phone number to strangers because people might use the information to steal your 4.__________(identify).Third,being online is no excuse for 5.__________(be) rude,so you must be polite.The more polite you are,the 6.__________(little) likely it is you will be attacked.  Let me give you some examples.Last year,our chat room 7.__________(attack).Someone posted some improper comments because he was trying 8.__________(make) trouble.  A girl at my school,9.__________photo had been posted online,was being made fun of.Though it 10. __________(seem) like a joke at first,the girl was very upset.  关键词:人教版高中英语必修二PPT课件免费下载,The internet PPT下载,.PPT格式;


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