《The Internet》SectionⅢ PPT课件

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  • 详细信息
    • ID:67225
    • 版本:人教版(2019)
    • 册别:必修第二册
    • 等级:普通
    • 年份:2020
    • 大小:1576 KB
    • 格式:pptx
《The Internet》SectionⅢ PPT课件-预览图01
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《The Internet》SectionⅢ PPT课件-预览图07


人教版(2019)英语必修第二册《The Internet》SectionⅢ PPT课件
《The Internet》SectionⅢ PPT课件 第一部分内容:课时基础过关 Ⅰ.单词语境记忆——根据汉语提示写出单词的适当形式 1.It is really ____________(方便的) to shop online because of the development of the e-business. 2.If you use your phone’s data connection to ____________ (更新) the software, you may have to pay data charges. 3.He once kicked the ball so hard that it got ____________ (卡住) between two branches of a tree. 4.If you understand it and apply it to your study or work, you’ll ____________ (受益) a lot from it. 5.Smiles shorten ____________(距离) between us and help us have a better understanding. 6.Parents should encourage their children to overcome difficulties and ____________ (激励) them to develop by themselves. 7.Learning English gives us an ____________ (机会) to explore a variety of cultures. 8.Our class held a ____________ (慈善) walk to raise money for the students in poor areas this afternoon. 9.Our school is to hold a Chinese Poetry ____________ (会议)for international students. 10.Every ____________ (居民) can have access to the sports facilities of the community. Ⅱ.短语语境填空——根据汉语提示写出适当的短语 1.I hope I can bring luck to my mother and ________________(陪伴她). 2.I am very interested in the position, and I’m trying to ________________ (申请) it. 3.I learned this from one of my experiences that I ________________ (经历) during Senior One school life. 4.They find out and analyze(分析) the causes so that they will ________________ (不再) make similar mistakes. 5.________________(既然) smile can do us so much good, why don’t we always wear a smile when we are faced with difficulties? Ⅲ.句式语境仿写 1.We can download software, documents, and images whenever we need them. 我们可以随时下载软件、文档和图像。 [仿写]方便的时候,请随时来。 Please come __________________________________________. 2.She was so inspired by the people she met online that she decided to start an IT club to teach older people how to use computers and the Internet.她深受网友的启发,决定成立一个IT俱乐部,教老年人如何使用电脑和互联网。 [仿写]这个故事如此有趣以至于我想再读一次。 This story is _____________________________________ I want to read it again. 3.Now that he works and can take care of himself, his daughter has time to study at university.既然他有了工作,能够照顾自己,他女儿就有时间上大学了。 [仿写]既然你想提高英语口语,你应该每天说英语。 ______________________________________________________,you should speak English every day. 4.No matter how small a town is, everyone should be able to join the global network and access the world of the Internet! 无论一个小镇有多小,每个人都应该能够加入全球网络,进入互联网的世界! [仿写]不管他怎么努力,都无法使她改变主意。 _______________________________________, he couldn’t get her to change her mind. ... ... ... The Internet PPT,第二部分内容:课文整体突破 Understanding in context STRONGER TOGETHER: HOW WE HAVE BEEN CHANGED BY THE INTERNET Much has been written about the wonders of the World Wide Web.There are countless articles telling us how the Internet has made our lives more convenient.We no long have to wait in line or carry cash around when we go shopping.We can get the most updated information from large databases.We can download software, documents, and images whenever we need them.But the Internet has done much more for people than simply make life more convenient.People’s lives have been changed by online communities and social networks. [文化视窗] World Wide Web的意思是环球网,又称万维网,通常缩写为www或w3,有时简称Web。它是一个由许多互相链接的超文本组成的系统,通过互联网访问。万维网的发明者是英国的蒂姆·伯纳斯·李。1991年末,他把欧洲核物理实验室的服务器与成长中的因特网连接起来,从而诞生了万维网。  1.convenient adj.方便的;近便的 convenience n.方便;便利 [合作探究]体会convenient及其派生词的用法和意义 If it’s convenient for you, let’s meet at 8:30 outside the school gate. 如果你方便的话,我们8点半在校门口见。 Besides, on some occasions, it is more convenient to use English words. 此外,在某些情况下,使用英语词汇更方便。 Please send her the book at your convenience.这本书,请你方便时捎给她。 [自主发现] ①be convenient ____________ sb/sth 某人方便时/某物很便利 ②be convenient ____________ sth  做某事很方便或合适 ③____________ one’s convenience  在某人方便时 [词块积累] convenience store 便利店 [巩固内化]  (1)单句语法填空 ①I’m looking forward to your reply at your earliest ____________ (convenient). (2)翻译句子 ②你若方便,我就来。 ③你明天方便开始工作吗? 2.update vt.更新;向……提供最新信息n.更新;最新消息 [合作探究] 体会update的用法和意义 ①Knowledge is updated rapidly and new techniques are created all the time. 知识____________迅速,新技术不断涌现。 ②He was back in the office, updating the work schedule on the computer. 他已回到办公室,正在电脑上____________工作日程。 ③I updated the committee on our progress yesterday. 昨天我____________委员会____________我们的进展情况。 ④They issue an update on the snow forecast. 他们发布了降雪预报的____________。 ... ... ... 关键词:人教版高中英语必修二PPT课件免费下载,The Internet PPT下载,.PPT格式;


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