《Wildlife Protection》SectionⅦ PPT课件

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  • 详细信息
    • ID:67194
    • 版本:人教版(2019)
    • 册别:必修第二册
    • 等级:普通
    • 年份:2020
    • 大小:1894 KB
    • 格式:pptx
《Wildlife Protection》SectionⅦ PPT课件-预览图01
《Wildlife Protection》SectionⅦ PPT课件-预览图02
《Wildlife Protection》SectionⅦ PPT课件-预览图03


人教版(2019)英语必修第二册《Wildlife Protection》SectionⅦ PPT课件
《Wildlife Protection》SectionⅦ PPT课件 第一部分内容:有关濒危动物的海报 本单元的写作任务是读两则有关动物保护的海报,然后写一则有关濒危动物的海报。 Ⅰ.Pre-reading (Ⅰ)Learning to write after the model Give Ugly a Chance! When it comes to wildlife protection, all species—the good, the bad, and the ugly—should be treated equally.Pandas, dolphins, and other cute wildlife are important, but we must pay attention to less cute animals, too.The world needs all kinds—without variety, our planet cannot survive.So if you want the future to be beautiful, you have to give ugly a chance. (Ⅱ)Preparation for writing—words and phrases ①____________ n. 环境 ②____________ n. 污染 ③____________ n.  种群  ④____________ v.  保护 ⑤____________ n.  栖息地  ⑥____________ n.  平衡 ⑦____________ adj.  珍稀的  ⑧____________ v.  融化 ⑨____________ v.  消失  ⑩____________  关爱 ⑪____________  人类   ⑫__________________  与……和谐相处 篇章结构 The title:Give Ugly a Chance! The image:an ugly animal The body:the reasons for protecting ugly animals & calling on protecting the ugly animals 常用词汇 animal, live, warm, cold, sea,ocean, ocean, forest, mountain, ice, bear, elephant, panda, tiger, dolphin, bird, eat, kill, catch, hunt, fur, protect, balance, human beings, planet, equal, nature, harmony, responsibility, product, cherish, environment, wildlife, danger, extinct, treasure, species, raise, awareness, damage, destroy, as long as, because, indeed... ... ... ... Wildlife Protection PPT,第二部分内容:亮点表达 1.Stop killing and protect wild animals. 停止杀戮,保护野生动物。 2.It’s wrong for people to hunt animals for their meat and feather. 人们为了肉和羽毛而猎杀动物是错误的。 3.We should protect them instead of killing them. 我们应该保护它们而不是杀害它们。 4.Giant pandas, which are one of the endangered animals, live in the forest and live on bamboo. 大熊猫是濒危动物之一,它们生活在森林里,以竹子为食。 5.We shouldn’t pollute water and environment or cut down so many trees. 我们不应该污染水和环境或砍伐这么多的树木。 6.Love animals, so that human beings are not alone! 爱护动物,让人类不孤单! 7.Protecting wild animals is a better choice for human beings! 保护野生动物是人类更好的选择! 8.Is it right to make animals homeless so that humans can have more paper? 为了让人类有更多的纸而让动物无家可归,这样做对吗? ... ... ... Wildlife Protection PPT,第三部分内容:写作技巧 海报(poster)是一种带有装饰性的宣传广告。它们常常配上较为醒目的绘画图案和大字标题。内容以公益宣传、影讯、展览、演出信息、友谊赛等为主。 海报的语言多以说明为主,有时加以简单的描写。有时以简单的条目展示为主,并配上数字说明。海报的正文最后常带上劝说性的文字,以提醒人们注意。 关键词:人教版高中英语必修二PPT课件免费下载,Wildlife Protection PPT下载,.PPT格式;


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