《Ms.Liu's Speech》Get ready for the future PPT

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  • 详细信息
    • ID:66323
    • 版本:冀教版
    • 册别:九年级全册
    • 等级:普通
    • 年份:2019
    • 大小:583 KB
    • 格式:pptx
《Ms.Liu's Speech》Get ready for the future PPT-预览图01
《Ms.Liu's Speech》Get ready for the future PPT-预览图02
《Ms.Liu's Speech》Get ready for the future PPT-预览图03
《Ms.Liu's Speech》Get ready for the future PPT-预览图04


冀教版英语九年级全册《Ms.Liu's Speech》Get ready for the future PPT
《Ms.Liu's Speech》Get ready for the future PPT 第一部分内容:New words speech       n. 发言;演讲 period       n. 时期;一段时间;节;学时 valuable    adj. 宝贵的 achieve      v. 做成;获得 behalf        n. 代表(或代替)某人 congratulation     n. 祝贺;恭祝;贺词 New phrases go by           流逝;过去 fall down     摔倒;跌倒;失败 pick yourself up    振作精神;站起来 on behalf of  代表 ... ... ... Ms.Liu's SpeechPPT,第二部分内容:Main phrases: ·go by ·fall down ·pick yourself up ·on behalf of Main sentences: ·On my way to the hall just now,I stopped by some of your classrooms and read the notes you left for one another. ·All of you have some great memories of this period of your life,and so do I! ·Time has gone by quickly. ·You had valuable experiences in the past and you have bright futures ahead of you. ·Whatever you want to be,you need to work hard to achieve it. ·At times it can be very hard. ·No matter how high you rise,there will be times when you fall down. ·Failure is an opportunity to try something new. ·Pick yourself up and take a new road. ·And always remember that you have your family and friends to support you. ·At last,on behalf of all the teachers,I’d like to give our best wishes and congratulations to the graduating class! ... ... ... Ms.Liu's SpeechPPT,第三部分内容:教材解读 1.On my way to the hall just now,I stopped by some of your classrooms and read the notes you left for one another.  ◆on one’s way to… 意为“在某人去……的路上”,one’s需与主语保持人称上的一致。如果地点是副词,to应省略。该词组常位于句首、句尾作状语,或位于be动词后作表语。 ◆stop by意为“顺路造访,过去坐坐”。 ◆leave在此为及物动词,意为“留下”。 2.All of you have some great memories of this period of your life,and so do I!  ◆period为名词,意为“时期;一段时间;节;学时”。 ◆so do I意为“我也是”,为倒装句。其中so代替上文提到的情况,为“so +be/情态动词/助动词+主语”结构,是表示肯定的倒装句式。其中be动词、助动词或情态动词在时态上与前句保持一致,在数上与其后的主语一致,指前者所述的情况同样适用于后者。 【拓展】(1)当前面一句是否定句时,用“neither/nor+be动词/助动词/情态动词+主语”表示“……也不……”。 (2)“so+主语+be动词/助动词/情态动词”用来加强语气,表示赞同,意为“的确如此”。 3.Time has gone by quickly.  go by在本句中意为“(时间)过去;逝去”。 4.You had valuable experiences in the past and you have bright futures ahead of you.  ahead of意为“(时间、空间)在……前面”。 5.Whatever you want to be,you need to work hard to achieve it. ◆whatever引导让步状语从句,相当于no matter what。 ◆动词不定式短语to achieve it在句中作目的状语,说明努力学习的目的。动词不定式短语作目的状语时,可以放在句首,也可以放在句末。 ◆achieve在此处为及物动词,意为“做成;达成;获得”。 6.At times it can be very hard. at times意为“有时候”,与sometimes同义。 ... ... ... Ms.Liu's SpeechPPT,第四部分内容:Read the lesson and write T or F. 1.  The students are having an English lesson.   (     ) 2.  Some of the notes almost made Ms. Liu cry. (     ) 3.  Ms. Liu spent two years with this group of students. (     ) 4.  Ms. Liu thinks there is no such thing as true failure.(     ) Imagine you will represent all the students in your school.  Write a speech for the graduating ceremony. Task tips:   Your speech can include your feelings, achievements, progress, mistakes you have made in the past three years, and thanks to all the teachers. ... ... ... Ms.Liu's SpeechPPT,第五部分内容:课堂练习 Ⅰ.Fill in the blanks with the correct words according to the first letters. 1.I’m afraid of making a s__________in front of the whole school.  2.You need to work hard to a__________your dream.  3.Our lunch p__________ is from twelve o’clock to one o’clock.  4.He has several v__________ pictures.They are worth a lot of money.  5.C__________ on your success!  Ⅱ.Choose the correct answers. 6.(黔西南中考)—Mum,I’ve got the first prize in the photo competition. —_____________                 A.Good luck!  B.Not at all. C.Good idea!  D.Congratulations! 7.(安徽中考)As time__________,you’ll come to think of English as your friend and love it.  A.goes by B.runs out C.takes off  D.turns up 8.He is not_______a fool_______.  A.such,as he is look B.such,as he looks C.so,as he is looked D.so,as he looks 9.The car behind wants to get________us.  A.ahead of    B.in the front C.in fact D.once again 10.—He hasn’t seen that interesting film before. —_________.  A.So have I     B.Neither have I C.Neither do I     D.So do I ... ... ... Ms.Liu's SpeechPPT,第六部分内容:Homework 1.Finish off the remaining exercises in the activity book. 2.The students are required to read the next text in the student’s book. 关键词:冀教版九年级下册英语PPT课件免费下载,Ms.Liu's SpeechPPT下载,Get ready for the futurePPT下载,.PPT格式;


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