《A movie or a Play》Movies and Theatre PPT

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  • 详细信息
    • ID:66164
    • 版本:冀教版
    • 册别:九年级全册
    • 等级:普通
    • 年份:2019
    • 大小:606 KB
    • 格式:pptx
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冀教版英语九年级全册《A movie or a Play》Movies and Theatre PPT
《A movie or a Play》Movies and Theatre PPT 第一部分内容:Wolf Warrior  Two The film is a successful war film.  The director is the action movie star called Jason Wu. He directed the movie which has broken the Chinese film record. Besides the actors Jason Wu and Frank Grillo,the pretty actoress Celina Jade is also involved in the works.The background of the story is an African civil war country.  Bible Verse of The Script Blood for blood. 血债血偿! You are not a soldier anymore. What are you fighting for? Once a wolf,  always a wolf! 你已经不是军人了,你在为谁而战? 一朝是战狼,终生是战狼! Fire! 开炮! Join the army, regret for two years ; Don't join the army, regret for a lifetime! 当兵后悔两年,不当兵后悔一辈子! ... ... ... A movie or a PlayPPT,第二部分内容:Words involve  v. (使)参加;包含 script  n. 剧本 director  v. 导演;院长;校长;主任;负责人 direct  v. 导演;指导;指示 costume  n. 服装;戏装 background  n. 背景;背景资料 task  n. 任务;工作 ... ... ... A movie or a PlayPPT,第三部分内容:Think about it! Have you ever been in a theatre? What did you watch? What do you know about making movies? Objectives 1. To listen and understand the dialogue about making movies 2. To learn how to make a movie ... ... ... A movie or a PlayPPT,第四部分内容:Learning Tip Theatre is a form of art  and that presents a story  to live a audience in a  specific place. The  performers may  communicate with the  audience through gesture,  speech, song or dance. Read the lesson and write true(T)or false(F). (1)Most of the students in Ms.Cox’s class have been to a theatre before. (2)Ms. Cox thinks making a short movie or a play will interest the students. (3)We have to take care of lots of things when making a movie or a play. (4)Actors are the people who direct movies. (5)Some background research is necessary before making a movie. ... ... ... A movie or a PlayPPT,第五部分内容:Main phrases: ·be involved in ·divide up ·know about ·work on ·talk about ·most of ·in the same way ·the answer to Main sentences: ·Do you want to make one in class? ·What do you think is needed to make a movie or a play? ·A good script needs to be written. ·What else is needed? ·To do good research,you need to ask good questions. ·That’s what group work is for! ·Let’s get to work in groups. ... ... ... A movie or a PlayPPT,第六部分内容:Exercise Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the given words.  Do you know that ______? She sang many songs in the past.  (sing/ singer) Our English _______ also teaches us Chinese in our school. (teach/ teacher) ________ should be careful when they drive in the dark . (drive/ driver) James Cameron, a famous ________, directed Avatar. (direct/ director) The director tells the _______ what to do and how to act in the movie. (act/ actor) ... ... ... A movie or a PlayPPT,第七部分内容:课堂练习 Ⅰ. 根据汉语提示完成句子。 1.The _______ (导演)expresses his sorrow in his film.  2. I think my __________ (背景) meets the requirement of this position.   3. He is not competent to the ____ (任务;工作) of teaching English.  4.“Don’t _______ (参加;包含) me in your family affairs!” 5. Henry went on to _____ a handful of Hollywood films. ... ... ... A movie or a PlayPPT,第八部分内容:Homework 1.Learn the new words and phrases by heart after class. 2.Read the article again. The more you read, the faster and better you’ll understand. 3.Preview Lesson 32 on page 84. 关键词:冀教版九年级上册英语PPT课件免费下载,A movie or a PlayPPT下载,Movies and TheatrePPT下载,.PPT格式;


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