《Say It in Five》Stories and Poems PPT教学课件

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  • 详细信息
    • ID:66094
    • 版本:冀教版
    • 册别:九年级全册
    • 等级:普通
    • 年份:2019
    • 大小:1416 KB
    • 格式:pptx
《Say It in Five》Stories and Poems PPT教学课件-预览图01
《Say It in Five》Stories and Poems PPT教学课件-预览图02
《Say It in Five》Stories and Poems PPT教学课件-预览图03


冀教版英语九年级全册《Say It in Five》Stories and Poems PPT教学课件
《Say It in Five》Stories and Poems PPT教学课件 第一部分内容:Words and Expressions line  n. (诗)行;路线 text  n. 正文;文字材料 poet  n. 诗人 single  adj. 单一的;单独的 screen  n. 屏幕;荧光屏 hum  v. 发嗡嗡声 stretch  v. 伸展 liquid  adj. 清澈的;晶莹的 /n. 液体 state  v. 陈述;说明 noun  n. 名词 adjective  n. 形容词 express  v. 表达 ... ... ... Say It in FivePPT,第二部分内容:Read the text and answer the following questions: (1)Who created the five-line poem?When did he create it? It was created in the nineteenth century by an American poet. (2)What are five-line poems about? They always talk about a single topic. (3)How many words does the fourth line have? Four words. (4)Where is your topic in a five-line poem? In the first line. (5)What can you write in the fourth line? Your thought or feeling about the topic. ... ... ... Say It in FivePPT,第三部分内容:Main phrases: ·in the nineteenth century ·a set number of ·another two poems ·a five-line poem ·in one/a word Main sentences: ·This kind of poem always talks about a single topic. ·Here is how you can write your own five-line poem. ·In one word,state the topic of your poem. ·Describe your topic in two words. ·Express a thought or a feeling about your topic in four words. ... ... ... Say It in FivePPT,第四部分内容:教材解读 1.This style was created in the nineteenth century by an American poet.  in the nineteenth century意为“在19世纪”,相当于in the 1800s。 表示“在某世纪”时,用“in+the+序数词+century”,表示“在某世纪某年代”时,用“in+the+数字+-s/-’s”。 【注意】用数字表示“某世纪”时,不要丢掉定冠词the。 2.This kind of poem always talks about a single topic.  ◆如果主语是由“限定词+kind/type/sort of+名词”构成,随后的动词形式按以下规则: (1)在a kind/sort/type of,this kind/sort/type of之后通常跟可数名词单数或不可数名词,动词用单数形式。 【注意】在这种结构中,通常不用复数名词。 (2)在these kinds of,many/several kinds of之后,通常用复数名词或不可数名词,动词都用复数形式。 ◆single为形容词,意为“单一的,单独的”。 【拓展】a/one single+单数名词=only one+单数名词。 3.Each line has a set number of words.  a number of意为“一些”,与some或several同义,后面往往接可数名词复数。a number of短语作主语时,谓语动词往往用复数形式。句中的set是过去分词起形容词作用,意为“固定的,规定的”,修饰后面的名词number。 【拓展】the number of意为“……的数目”,后接名词复数。以the number of短语作主语时,谓语动词使用单数形式。 4.Let’s look at another two poems as examples.  another two poems意为“另外两首诗”,与two more poems同义,“another+数词+名词复数”相当于“数词+more+名词复数”,表示“再几个……”。 ... ... ... Say It in FivePPT,第五部分内容:Practice Ⅰ.根据句意及首字母提示补全单词 1.B________ Jack and Tony come from Canada and they’re in China now.  2.People c________the world and we should protect it.  3.His t________ is different from ours.We don’t know what he will do next.  4.The t________of this new poem is Summer Sun.  5.Our teacher showed us two e________ to explain this word.  Ⅱ.用方框中所给词或短语的适当形式填空 express, single, two, a set number of, line 1.Poems can_________a thought or a feeling.  2.Each class has__________________students.  3.The_________line has two words.  4.This kind of poem always talks about a_________topic.  5.The text has ten_________.  ... ... ... Say It in FivePPT,第六部分内容:Homework 1.Finish off the exercises in the activity book. 2.Preview Lesson 21. 3.Try to write a five-line poem about seasons. 关键词:冀教版九年级上册英语PPT课件免费下载,Say It in FivePPT下载,Stories and PoemsPPT下载,.PPT格式;


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