《Make Your Garden Grow!》Plant a Plant PPT课件下载

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  • 详细信息
    • ID:65768
    • 版本:冀教版
    • 册别:八年级下册
    • 等级:普通
    • 年份:2019
    • 大小:2609 KB
    • 格式:pptx
《Make Your Garden Grow!》Plant a Plant PPT课件下载-预览图01
《Make Your Garden Grow!》Plant a Plant PPT课件下载-预览图02
《Make Your Garden Grow!》Plant a Plant PPT课件下载-预览图03
《Make Your Garden Grow!》Plant a Plant PPT课件下载-预览图04


冀教版英语八年级下册《Make Your Garden Grow!》Plant a Plant PPT课件下载
《Make Your Garden Grow!》Plant a Plant PPT课件下载 第一部分内容:Learning Targets 1. Be able to use the words: consider, sunlight, test, compost, dry, nearby, squirrel, fence, purpose, decide to do, begin doing, make sure, stay healthy, think about, keep...away from, forget to do, take care of, best of all 2. Be able to know how to plant and understand the fun of groeing a garden 3. Be able to learn some key sentences: ·You must consider many things when you decide to begin gardening.  ·Most plants need a lot of sunlight to grow well. ·To make the soil rich enough, you can put compost in your garden. ... ... ... Make Your Garden Grow!PPT,第二部分内容:Lead in 1. What is a garden? It’s a piece of land, often near a home, that is  used to plant and grow flowers, fruits and vegetables 2.Are a garden and a farm the same thing? No, they are different. 3.What differences do they have? A farm is usually bigger than a garden, don’t usually grow flowers, often done as a job, raise animals on a farm. A garden is usually smaller than a farm, usually grow flowers, often done as a hobby ... ... ... Make Your Garden Grow!PPT,第三部分内容:Words and expressions consider     v.  仔细考虑;认为;觉得 test            v. & n.  测验;考查  dry            adj. 干的      v. 使干 ; 变干 purpose    n. 目的;目标;意图 sunlight    n. 阳光;日光    compost   n. 混合肥料 nearby      adv. 在附近;不远   squirrel     n. 松鼠 fence       n. 栅栏;篱笆;围墙 make sure    确信,确定 keep … away from …  使…… 远离…… best of all      更好的是;更重要的是 decide to do  决定做 begin doing sth.  开始做某事 stay healthy   保持健康 think about   思考 forget to do sth.  忘记未做的事 ... ... ... Make Your Garden Grow!PPT,第四部分内容:THINK ABOUT IT 1. Do you like gardening? Yes, I like gardening. It’s fun. No, I don’t . It’s boring. 2. What is fun about growing a garden? Enjoy spending time outdoors. Watch your garden grow. Have your own fresh fruits and vegetables that you grew yourself. Enjoy beautiful flowers and other plants . Hands-on Activity  Plant your own seed in a pot. Just follow these steps: Dig a small hole. Put the seed in it. Cover your seed with soil. Water your seed every day. It can’t water itself! Put it in the sun. Plants needs sunshine! Soon, your seed will grow roots and a stem. Then it will grow a leaf and then another leaf. Your seed will grow into a plant. ... ... ... Make Your Garden Grow!PPT,第五部分内容:Presentation Let’s Do It! 1.What do you need to consider to grow a good garden? Read the lesson and tick the factors mentioned. heat        light                    space a fence    temperature       climate water       air       oil           sunlight 2.Read the lesson again and write true (T) or false (F). 1. Before we begin gardening, there are many things we need to consider. (     ) 2. Few plants need a lot of sunlight to grow well. (     )   3. Sometimes there is not enough rain, and the garden gets dry. (     )                                                  4. A fence can help keep small animals away from your garden. (     ) 5. Getting exercises is the whole purpose of growing a garden. (     ) ... ... ... Make Your Garden Grow!PPT,第六部分内容:Project Suppose you have a garden, what do you want to plant?  Write a passage and present it to your classmates.  Example:       I want to plant vegetables in my garden. I’d like to plant tomatoes and eggplants. I will water them on time. My grandpa is good at farming. I will ask him for advice. I will have fresh vegetables. Gardening is fun! ... ... ... Make Your Garden Grow!PPT,第七部分内容:Language points 1. You must consider many things when you decide to begin gardening.   (1) consider v.仔细考虑。相当于think about,后面可接名词、代词或动名词。常用短语: consider doing sth.考虑做某事;consider for 为……考虑。此外,其后也可接 “疑问词+不定式” 结构。 例:Now they must consider what to do next. 现在他们必须考虑下一步做什么。 (2) decide (not) to do sth.意为“决定(不)做某事”。 例:My English test is coming.I decide to work hard.我的英语考试快到了。我决定努力学习。 2. Most plants need a lot of sunlight to grow well. need v.需要。 need to do sth.需要做某事(主语通常是人,表主动意义) sth. need doing (某事物) 需要被做(主语通常为物,表被动意义)。 例:You need to get up early to catch the early bus. 你需要早点起床去赶早班车。 Our bike needs repairing, please sent it to the bike shop. 我们的自行车需要修理,请把它送到自行车店去。 【拓展】need作情态动词时,意为“需要”,其后常用动词原形。 例:—Must I finish my homework now? —No, you needn't. You can do it tomorrow. —— 我必须马上完成作业吗? —— 不,不必。你可以明天做。 3. To make the soil rich enough,you can put compost in your garden.   (1)句中 To make the soil rich enough 为动词不定式短语作目的状语。 例:To finish your work on time, you shouldn't go out to play tonight. 为了准时完成工作,今晚你不该出去玩。 (2)make the soil rich 为“make+名词+形容词” 结构,形容词作宾语补足语。  4. What else do you need to consider for your garden? else adv.其他的,另外的。它常用来修饰疑问代 词 (who,what,whom,whose)或者与any­、every­、some­、no­ 和­body、­one、­thing、­where 合成的复合不定代词连用,通常要放在这些词之后作后置定语。 例:Is there anyone else?这儿还有其他人吗? What else did he buy?他还买了些什么? Nobody else want to listen to you. 没其他人想听你说。 ... ... ... Make Your Garden Grow!PPT,第八部分内容:Exercise 一、根据汉语意思填空。 1. The administration continues to ___________ ways to resolve the situation.  政府继续仔细考虑解决这种情况的办法。 2. Her wrinkles showed up in the strong __________. 她的皱纹在强烈的阳光下很显眼。 3. He has stood up to the _________ of his honesty. 他已经通过了这次对他是否诚实的考验。 4. You can make _________ from food waste at home with or without the help of worms. 你可以在家使用食物垃圾来制作堆肥,蚯蚓有无皆可。 5. _______ _______ what you could do with  that extra time.  想想你可以利用空闲的时间来做什么。 6. Russia has long wished to _______ the West ________  _______ its backyard. 俄罗斯长久以来都渴望让西方国家远离他的后院。 7. We have the duty to ______ _______ ________ the earth for ourselves and for our later generations. 我们有责任为我们自己以及我们的后代去照顾好地球。 8. ________ ______ _______, the service is free. 最重要的是,这种服务是免费的。 9. ___________,no matter where you are, your mother always think about you.         记住,不管你在哪儿,你的母亲总是想着你。 二、单项选择。 1. There is no time left. Make sure _____ there in five minutes. A.get  B.getting C.to get    D.got 2. My cousin decided _____ an English song at the party. A.sing  B.sings     C.singing    D.to sing 3. Jessica considers ______ to Hainan during the winter holiday. A.travel    B.to travel C.travelling   D.travelled 4. To keep healthy,we should keep ourselves _____ from junk food. A.awake B.away C.alone  D.apartment ... ... ... Make Your Garden Grow!PPT,第九部分内容:Summary 1.Learnt some new words and expression. 2.Learnt about some ways to keep your garden growing well. ... ... ... Make Your Garden Grow!PPT,第十部分内容:Homework 1. Do exercise in students' book. 2. Preview next Lesson. 3. Suppose you have a garden, what do you want to plant?  Write a passage and present it to your classmates. 关键词:冀教版八年级下册英语PPT课件免费下载,Make Your Garden Grow!PPT下载,Plant a PlantPPT下载,.PPT格式;


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