《Trains Go Faster!》Go with Transportation! PPT下载

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  • 详细信息
    • ID:65595
    • 版本:冀教版
    • 册别:八年级上册
    • 等级:普通
    • 年份:2019
    • 大小:1242 KB
    • 格式:pptx
《Trains Go Faster!》Go with Transportation! PPT下载-预览图01
《Trains Go Faster!》Go with Transportation! PPT下载-预览图02
《Trains Go Faster!》Go with Transportation! PPT下载-预览图03


冀教版英语八年级上册《Trains Go Faster!》Go with Transportation! PPT下载
《Trains Go Faster!》Go with Transportation! PPT下载 第一部分内容:New Words steam    n. 蒸汽 engine   n. 发动机,引擎 wheel    n. 车轮,轮子 born     v. 出生,诞生 passenger n. 乘客 railway      n. 铁路  most         adj. 大多数的,最多的  station       n. 车站 easy--easily  adv. 容易地 standard    n. 标准 speed      n.速度  per          prep. 每,每一  Key  Phrases 1. 出生        be born 2. 从事于     work on 3. 上下火车  get on and off the train 4. 全世界      all over the world 5. 在18世纪60年代    in the 1760s/1760's 6. 根据今天的标准     by today's standards 7. 把……和……结合起来  put ... and ... together 8. 50年后             fifty years later 9. 以……的高速     at a top speed of ... 10. 现在的高速列车  today's high-speed trains  ... ... ... Trains Go Faster!PPT,第二部分内容:认知学习目标  Study Goals 1.识记课后单词: steam; engine; wheel; born; passenger; railway; most; station; easily; standard; speed; per.   2.掌握句型短语:in the 1700s; steam engine; work on; be born ; get on/ off; 3.通过学习,了解火车的发展史,能用英语熟练表达自己喜欢的出行方式。 ... ... ... Trains Go Faster!PPT,第三部分内容:预习成果展示 A.词型转换    1.fast(最高级)_________  2.build(过去式)________  3. famous(最高级)_________________ 4. amaze(形容词)____________/__________  5. travel(过去式)__________ 6. easy(副词)________ B.阅读课文,翻译并在课文中划出下列短语: 1.in the 1760s ___________________ 2.in the 1700s __________  3.in 1804 ______________  4.出/诞生____________ 5.a way to do sth ___________________  6. 上下(车/船)_______________ 7. a top speed of _______________ 8.by today’s standards______________ 9. 从事于__________ 10.每小时45公里 ______________________ 11.把……放在一起 _____________________ ... ... ... Trains Go Faster!PPT,第四部分内容:课堂研讨助学 活动一:Look and say In the 1700s, many scientists worked on ______________. In the 1760s, a scientist put_____________and _________ together.  In 1804, the first train engine was born in England. In 1825, the first passenger railway opened. People built many train stations to help passengers get on and get off the trains easily. 活动二:Read quickly and find the answers to the questions: What happened at that time? 活动三:Read the lesson and answer the questions. 1.Where was the first train engine built?  In 1804,the first train engine England was built in England. 2. When did the first passenger railway open?  In 1825,the first passenger railway opened.  3. How fast do today’s trains go?  Today’s high-speed train can travel and about 300 kilometres per hour.  4. What might future trains be like?  Maybe trains will have no wheels in the future, maybe they will ride on the air.  活动四:Lanuage Points 1.In the 1700s, many scientists worked on steam engine. In the 1760s,a scientist found a way to put  steam engines and wheels together. in the 1700s  在18世纪     in the 1760s  在18世纪60年代,也可写作in the 1760's 其前还可以加early /late 这样的词来表示“某个时代的早 期和晚期”如:in the early 1900s   在20世纪早期 (1) in the 1520s            ___________________ (2) in the early 1070s    ___________________ (3) 在13世纪90年代       ___________________ 2.People built many train stations to help passengers get on and get off the trains easily. to help passengers get on and get off the trains easily 作people built many train stations的目的状语。 get on / off ( the bus , train, plane, ship…)上下车, 而上下小轿车,电梯要用get into, get out of 含有get的词组还有: get up 起床; get to 到达;get down 下来  (1)I___________ early this morning and___________ school on time.  (2)Don’t push others when you___________the bus. (3)The boy climbed up a tree and couldn’t ___________. 3.The Rocket had a top speed of only 45 kilometres per hour. 火箭号的最高时速只有45千米。 (1)a top speed 中的top 意思“最高的”,speed意思“速度”;“以…..的速度”常用介词at 来表示。 (2)per 意思”每一”,与each意思相近。 45 kilometers per hour= 45 kilometers an/ one hour at a high / low speed 以高/低速 at the speed of ….. 以……的速度 Eg.声音的传播速度是每秒340米。 The sound goes ___________340 meters___________second.   ... ... ... Trains Go Faster!PPT,第五部分内容:当堂训练检测 完成下列各题: (  )1.The telephome was invented____.  A. 1870s   B. in the 1870s   C. in the 1870s’   D. in 1870s (  )2.They travel _____about 220 kilometres per hour.  A. at  B. to   C. for    D. of (  )3. Don’t ________the bus before it stops.  A. get up  B. get to  C. get off   D. get in  4.The train goes_________(fast) than the bus.     5.Mr.Liu is__________(work) on a new novel. 6. We were ________(amaze)to find that no one was hurt? 7. Yao Ming is one of the ______________(famous) players in China. 8. Maybe they will go there by car.(同义句)   They ______ ______ there _____ _____ ______.  9.这列火车正在以每小时100公里的速度行驶。 The train is traveling _____ ____ _______ ____100 kilometres ______ _______. ... ... ... 关键词:冀教版八年级上册英语PPT课件免费下载,Trains Go Faster!PPT下载,Go with Transportation!PPT下载,.PPT格式;


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