《I Want to Be a Teacher》My Future PPT下载

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  • 详细信息
    • ID:65566
    • 版本:冀教版
    • 册别:八年级上册
    • 等级:普通
    • 年份:2019
    • 大小:163 KB
    • 格式:pptx
《I Want to Be a Teacher》My Future PPT下载-预览图01
《I Want to Be a Teacher》My Future PPT下载-预览图02


冀教版英语八年级上册《I Want to Be a Teacher》My Future PPT下载
《I Want to Be a Teacher》My Future PPT下载 第一部分内容:基础知识 ◆It's hard sometimes to talk about the future.有时候谈论未来是困难的。 It is+ adj. + to do sth.表示“做某事是……的”,it是形式主语,真正的主语是后边的不定式短语to do sth.。 eg: It is important to get to school on time every day.每天按时到校很重要。 ◆Maybe you'll be a teacher.也许你会成为一名教师。 maybe是副词,表示“也许,大概”,通常放在句子开头,在句子中作状语。主要用于非正式场合,口语中常用。 eg:Maybe Mary won't come here tonight.今晚大概玛丽不会来这儿。 【拓展】may be 是情态动词may 加动词be构成,在句中作谓语,表示“可能是,大概是”,后接形容词、介词短语或名词作表语。 eg:She may be at home.她可能在家。(=Maybe she is at home.) ◆I hope to be a teacher.我希望成为一名教师。 hope to do sth.表示“希望做某事”。 eg: I hope to have a good sleep tonight.我希望今晚睡个好觉。 【注意】没有hope sb.to do sth.这种用法。 ◆I would be nice to my students.I wouldn't give them too much homework on weekends!我会善待我的学生。周末我不会给他们留太多作业。 (1)would 是will的过去式,可用于过去将来时,但这里是情态动词。表示“将要”或“想要”,表示意愿,后面加动词原形。 eg:He would eat nothing.他不愿吃东西。 (2)be nice to sb.相当于be good/kind to sb.意思是“对某人好”。 eg:You have been good/ kind/ nice to me.你一直对我都很好。 ◆grow up意思是“成长,逐渐形成”。 A warm friendship grew up between two men.两人之间逐渐产生了友情。 ◆其他重点短语 have no idea 不知道 give a talk 作演讲 too much 太多 in the future 在将来 have a good rest 好好休息 ... ... ... I Want to Be a TeacherPPT,第二部分内容:课后练习 一、根据句意及首字母提示填写单词。 1.My brother likes science classes.He wants to be a _________. 2.The flowers can _____well with enough water. 3.You might be a(n) _________if you are good at repairing things. 4.I _____to be a nurse. 5.My ____________is that we should send her to the hospital. 二、单项选择。 (   )1.Mo Yan,the Nobel Prize Winner for Literature (诺贝尔文学奖获得者),________ in the countryside in Gaomi,Shandong Province. A.grew up  B.got up  C.stayed up  D.looked up (    )2.—Where is Brian?(阿凡题 1074771) — He ________ be in the library.I am not sure.You can call him. A.will  B.might  C.must  D.would (    )3.My English teacher is always nice ________ me. A.for  B.of  C.to  D.on (    )4.There ________ homework to do on weekends.(阿凡题 1074772) A.are too much  B.is much too C.is too much  D.are much too (    )5.It's not so easy ________ a scientist. A.of  B.to  C.be  D.to be 三、根据汉语意思完成句子。 1.昨天张先生给我们做了好的演讲。 Yesterday Mr.Zhang _______________________. 2.当我长大了,我想成为一名工程师。 I want ________________when I _________. 3.他们想帮助生病的孩子。 They would help _________________. 关键词:冀教版八年级上册英语PPT课件免费下载,I Want to Be a TeacherPPT下载,My FuturePPT下载,.PPT格式;


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