《I Don't Want to Miss Geography!》My Favourite School Subject PPT课件

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  • 详细信息
    • ID:65472
    • 版本:冀教版
    • 册别:八年级上册
    • 等级:普通
    • 年份:2019
    • 大小:1450 KB
    • 格式:pptx
《I Don't Want to Miss Geography!》My Favourite School Subject PPT课件-预览图01
《I Don't Want to Miss Geography!》My Favourite School Subject PPT课件-预览图02
《I Don't Want to Miss Geography!》My Favourite School Subject PPT课件-预览图03


冀教版英语八年级上册《I Don't Want to Miss Geography!》My Favourite School Subject PPT课件
《I Don't Want to Miss Geography!》My Favourite School Subject PPT课件 第一部分内容:学习目标 1. To listen and understand the conversation. 2. To learn some useful words and expressions about favourite subject: Words: since, poor, cough, because, seem Phrases: miss class/school; have a cough; not at all; learn about Lead-in What’s your favourite subject? Why? What’s the most interesting thing about your favourite subject? ... ... ... I Don't Want to Miss Geography!PPT,第二部分内容:Presentation  —I haven't seen you ______Tuesday, Li Lin. What's the matter? —I have been sick for two days. I had to ______ school. — Oh, poor Li Lin. How are you today? Are you OK? — Yes. I'm fine today, but I still have a cough. The doctor asked me to _____ at home this week. I came to school because I didn't want to miss my favourite class. — What is your favourite class? — Geography. We learn about famous mountains and rivers in geography. I'd love to visit them in the future. I like physics, too. I have geography today and physics tomorrow. —Good for you. I also like geography, but physics is a ________for me. I don't understand it at all. — It seems hard, but don't worry. I can help you. We can do our homework together. — That's very kind of you, Li Lin. What time is _________ for you? — How about every Thursday after school from 7:00 to 8:30? — OK. It's a date. ... ... ... I Don't Want to Miss Geography!PPT,第三部分内容:Read again and answer the questions. 1. How is Li Lin today? Li Lin has been sick for two days. She is fine today. 2. What does Wang Mei think of physics? Wang Mei thinks physics is difficult. It is a headache for her. 3. What advice does Li Lin give to Wang Mei about physics? Li Lin advises they can do their homework together. She can help Wang Mei. 4. When will Li Lin and Wang Mei do their homework together? Every Thursday after school from 7:00 to 8:30. ... ... ... I Don't Want to Miss Geography!PPT,第四部分内容:Language points 1. I haven’t seen you since Tuesday, Li Lin. since “自……以来;自……以后”,后接时间点或时间状语从句(一般过去时),谓语动词用现在完成时,且用延续性动词。 例:I have been there many times since 2008. They have lived in that house since two years ago. He has lived in Beijing since he came to China. 2. I had to miss school. miss : 1)错过;未击中;未得到;2) 想念 例:I was late because I missed the bus. 我迟到了因为我误了公共汽车。 I know you miss your mother. 我知道你想念你的母亲。 3. What time is convenient for you? convenient 意为“方便的”。 如果想表达“如果你方便的话……”可用if it is convenient for you, 不能用if you are convenient。 例:If it is convenient for you, fetch me some water please. 如果你方便的话,请给我拿些水来。 ... ... ... I Don't Want to Miss Geography!PPT,第五部分内容:Exercise  一、根据句意及首字母提示写单词。 1. The man has lived in the city s______ he left school. 2. His mother was s_____, so he had to take care of her in the hospital. 3. They are raising money to help the p_____ children in the village. 4. It’s a good chance for you. You’d better not m______ it. 5. My little brother caught a cold, and he had a c______ last night. 二、根据提示将下列句子补充完整,每空一词。 1. Kate usually plays the piano _____ _____ (放学后). 2. What time will___ _________ ___ (对……方便) you? 3. __________ ______ (……怎么样) doing our homework together tonight? 4. To learn English well, you should also  _____ _____(学习关于) the English culture. 5. Jack still ____ ___ ______(咳嗽),but he doesn’t want to _____ ______ (耽误上学). ... ... ... I Don't Want to Miss Geography!PPT,第六部分内容:Homework Talk about your favourite class with your partner. 关键词:冀教版八年级上册英语PPT课件免费下载,I Don't Want to Miss Geography!PPT下载,My Favourite School SubjectPPT下载,.PPT格式;


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