《Best Friends》Me and My Class PPT课件下载

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  • 详细信息
    • ID:65441
    • 版本:冀教版
    • 册别:八年级上册
    • 等级:普通
    • 年份:2019
    • 大小:16915 KB
    • 格式:pptx
《Best Friends》Me and My Class PPT课件下载-预览图01
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冀教版英语八年级上册《Best Friends》Me and My Class PPT课件下载
《Best Friends》Me and My Class PPT课件下载 第一部分内容:词汇听写 同学们,上一课学习的单词你们都掌握了吗?现在大家来检验一下,点击下面的音频开始听写吧! 课堂导入 How should we get on with our best friends? ... ... ... Best FriendsPPT,第二部分内容:课文呈现 THINK  ABOUT  IT ·Who is your best friend? What do you like about him/her? ·Did you ever argue with your best friend? Why? Patrick and Grant are best friends. They are like“two peas in a pod”.One day,the two best friends stopped ❶ talking to each other. Why? Grant wanted ❷ to copy Patrick's homework. That way,he could spend more time playing basketball ❸. But to his surprise ❹ , Patrick didn't agree. ... ... ... Best FriendsPPT,第三部分内容:知识讲解 知识点1 stop /stɒp/ v.使停止 考向【重难点、易错点】辨析stop doing sth.与stop to do sth. stop doing sth.“停止做某事” 指将stop后的动作停止 That girl stopped crying. 那个女孩不哭了。 stop to do sth.“停下来去做某事” 指停止其他事情,开始做stop后的动作 Tom stopped to have a rest because he felt tired.汤姆停下来休息,因为他感到累了。 后面既可接不定式又可接动词的­ing形式的动词:forget to do 忘记去做(事还未做) forget doing 忘记做过(事已做过) remember to do 记着去做(事还未做) remember doing 记着做过(事已做过) 知识点2 want /wɒnt/ v.想要 考向【重点】want常构成want to do sth.结构, 意为“想要做某事”。可与would like to do sth.互换。 eg:Someone wants to see you. 有人想见你。 Tony wants ________ a job as a language   teacher in China.(湖南株洲) A.to find  B.finding  C.find 【点拨】本题考查want的用法。want to do sth.意为“想要做某事”。句意为“托尼想在中国找一份当语言教师的工作。”故选A。 want的其他用法还有:want sth.想要某物;want sb.to do sth.想让某人做某事。 eg:She wants a new bike. 她想要一辆新自行车。 知识点3 sb.+spend(s)+时间/金钱+(in)doing sth. 表示“某人花多长时间或多少金钱做某事” spend意为“花费”,常用句型为“sb.+spend(s)+时间/金钱+on sth.”和“sb.+spend(s)+时间/金钱+(in)doing sth.”,指花费金钱或时间做某事。 ... ... ... Best FriendsPPT,第四部分内容:Let's Do It ! 1)Listen and number the sentences in the correct order. 1.They parted and went their own ways. 2.They stopped talking to each other. 3.The two boys saw each other at the school gym. 4.Patrick and Grant are best friends. They are like “two peas in a pod”. 5.They made a deal. They would do their homework first and play  basketball later. The correct order is:___________ 2) Read the lesson and answer the questions.     1.What did Grant like to play after class? Basketball. 2.Why did the two boys stop talking to each other? Because Grant wanted to copy Patrick's homework. Patrick didn't agree. 3.What made the two boys become friends again? They both felt bad. 4.What agreement did the two boys make? They would do their own homework first and play basketball later. ... ... ... Best FriendsPPT,第五部分内容:课堂练习 一、根据首字母或汉语提示完成句子 1.You can't a______with her because she is a child. 2.Nobody wants to have ________(敌人). 3.Tony's father and uncle are _____(两者都)policemen.  They help keep the city safe. 4.To our s________,the disabled(残疾的)boy won the first prize in the 100­metre race. 5.He ________(抄写)the text into a notebook. 二、单项选择 6.—When are we going to see the movie Zootopia, this afternoon or tonight? —________ is OK. I'm free today.(宜昌) A.Either  B.Neither  C.Both  D.All 【点拨】本题用词语辨析法。句意:——我们什么时候去看电影《疯狂动物城》,今天下午还是今天晚上?——______都可以,我今天没事。 由题干中的is可排除答案C和D;由答语中的I'm free today “我今天没事”可推知今天下午和今天晚上都可以,故答案选A,意为“任何一个”。 7. There is ________ juice in the fridge. Let's go and buy some.(淮安) A.few     B.a few       C.little      D.a little 【点拨】本题用词语辨析法。句意:冰箱里几乎没有果汁。让我们去买一些吧。few“几乎没有”,修饰可数名词复数;a few“一点点”,修饰可数名词复数;little“几乎没有”,修饰不可数名词;a little“一点点”,修饰不可数名词。juice为不可数名词,故排除A和B选项,又由后句表达“去买一些果汁”可知,冰箱里几乎没有,故答案为C。 ... ... ... Best FriendsPPT,第六部分内容:课堂小结 本节课主要学习了以下重点内容: (1)重点单词:argue, stop, want, copy, surprise, lend,both等。 (2)重点短语:two peas in a pod, a few, 时间段+ later, at the end of, come over , feel awful/ bad/embarrassed等。 重点句式:sb. + spend + 时间/金钱+ (in) doing sth.。 课后作业 1.熟记本课时的词汇  2.完成本课时的课后作业 关键词:冀教版八年级上册英语PPT课件免费下载,Best FriendsPPT下载,Me and My ClassPPT下载,.PPT格式;


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