《Summer Plans》Summer Holiday Is Coming! PPT课件下载

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  • 详细信息
    • ID:65412
    • 版本:冀教版
    • 册别:七年级下册
    • 等级:普通
    • 年份:2019
    • 大小:19164 KB
    • 格式:pptx
《Summer Plans》Summer Holiday Is Coming! PPT课件下载-预览图01
《Summer Plans》Summer Holiday Is Coming! PPT课件下载-预览图02
《Summer Plans》Summer Holiday Is Coming! PPT课件下载-预览图03


冀教版英语七年级下册《Summer Plans》Summer Holiday Is Coming! PPT课件下载
《Summer Plans》Summer Holiday Is Coming! PPT课件下载 第一部分内容:词汇听写 同学们,上一课学习的单词你们都掌握了吗?现在大家来检验一下,点击下面的音频开始听写吧! 课堂导入 Making a good summer plan is useful.  What are your plans?  Let’s learn some students’summer plans. ... ... ... Summer PlansPPT,第二部分内容:课文呈现 It's the last day of school. The students are talking about their summer plans. Ms. Liu:Do you have any plans for this summer? Wang Mei:Yes. I am going to work at the library.  I will volunteer there for four weeks.  I'm going to read storybooks to❶ young children. Tao Xiaolin:My parents and I are planning a trip to Germany this summer. I will take lots of pictures. Li Lin:I'm going to take swimming lessons. I will go swimming three times a week. Li Ming:I'm really excited about my summer plans. I'm going to live with a family in the countryside. It will be a good experience. Ms. Liu:It's going to be a fun summer. You all have wonderful plans. Tao Xiaolin:How about you,Ms. Liu?What are your plans for the summer? Ms. Liu:Well,I'm going back to school! ... ... ... Summer PlansPPT,第三部分内容:知识讲解 知识点1 read...to...  read后跟双宾语sb. sth. 意为“给某人读某物”,read sth.to sb.意为“读某物给某人”。 eg:I often read newspapers to my grandpa at  home.我经常在家里给我的爷爷读报纸。 He read us an important notice. 他给我们读了一个重要的通知。 知识点2 keep doing sth.一直做某事 eg:To learn English well,you must keep practicing it every day! 为了学好英语,你必须坚持每天练习! —Don't give up, my children.   Keep________(work) hard and you will win the match. —Thank you, Mr. Zhang. We'll try our best. 【点拨】考查keep doing sth.的用法,根据上面第一句句意“不要放弃,我的孩子们。”推理可知后句应该是一直努力,坚持不懈。 ... ... ... Summer PlansPPT,第四部分内容:Let's Do It ! 1)What are they going to do for the summer? Listen to the dialogues and match the pictures. 2)Read the lesson and fill in the blanks. The students are talking about their ________ for the summer. They are excited. Wang Mei is planning to work at the ________. She will ________ there for four weeks. She is going to read ____________ to young children. Tao Xiaolin is going to ________ with his ________.He will take many photos. Li Lin is going to take swimming lessons. She will go swimming ________ times a week. Li Ming is going to stay with a family in the_____________. Ms. Liu is going to take summer classes at Beijing____________. ... ... ... Summer PlansPPT,第五部分内容:课堂小结 本节课主要学习了同学们的暑假计划,掌握了知识点read...to, keep doing,和stop doing sth.用法,提高了阅读理解和综合运用语言的能力。 课后作业 1.熟记所学知识点,并各举一例 2.完成本课时的课后作业 关键词:冀教版七年级下册英语PPT课件免费下载,Summer PlansPPT下载,Summer Holiday Is Coming!PPT下载,.PPT格式;


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