《Volunteering in Summer》Summer Holiday Is Coming! PPT

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  • 详细信息
    • ID:65398
    • 版本:冀教版
    • 册别:七年级下册
    • 等级:普通
    • 年份:2019
    • 大小:341 KB
    • 格式:pptx
《Volunteering in Summer》Summer Holiday Is Coming! PPT-预览图01
《Volunteering in Summer》Summer Holiday Is Coming! PPT-预览图02
《Volunteering in Summer》Summer Holiday Is Coming! PPT-预览图03


冀教版英语七年级下册《Volunteering in Summer》Summer Holiday Is Coming! PPT
《Volunteering in Summer》Summer Holiday Is Coming! PPT 第一部分内容:Lead-in Think about follow question and talk about:  Summer holiday is coming.  What are you going to do during summer? Volunteers Wanted ARG(Animal Rights Group): Do you like animals? Do you want to have a special summer holiday? We need many volunteers to take care of homeless pets.  The cute pets are excepting your coming!     Tel: 555-6756. Address: Zhonghua street 520. ... ... ... Volunteering in SummerPPT,第二部分内容:Phases   1)照顾、照料 2)搬走,移开 3)不管…, 撇下….一个人 4)带狗散步,遛狗 5)免费 6)一周四次 7)对某人友好 ... ... ... Volunteering in SummerPPT,第三部分内容:Show the preview. 1.ARG帮助无家可归的宠物。 ARG takes care of pets without a home. 2.有时候,人们搬走了,却不能带走他们的宠物。 Sometimes, people move away and they can’t take their pets with them. 3.他的家人把它单独留在了田野上。 His family left him alone in a field. 4.Other times, people are too old or sick and they can’t take care of their pets. 有时,人们年龄太大或有病, 他们不能照顾他们的宠物。 5.Or sometimes, people are not nice to their pets.  或者有时候,人们对他们的宠物不好。 6.See this puppy?  看见这只小狗了吗?  7.His name is Rocket. 他的名字叫“火箭”。 ... ... ... Volunteering in SummerPPT,第四部分内容:合作探究 1. 动物权益组织照料没有家的宠物。 ARG takes care of pets without a home 【探究】1).照顾、保管、保护:take care of  2).同义词组:look after  3).两者的差别:take care of  有“保护、保管”的意思,look after没有。 4).好好照顾:take good care of/ look after…well Eg:这个男孩很小,不能照顾自己。 ... ... ... Volunteering in SummerPPT,第五部分内容:Important sentences 志愿者就是免费奉献时间。  A volunteer is someone who gives their time for free. 志愿服务是学习一些新技 回报社会的好方法。  Volunteering is a good way to learn some new skills and give back to the community. 你可以在许多不同地方做志愿服务。  You can volunteer at many different kinds of places.  你可以在以下地方提供帮助 ——课外俱乐部、图书馆、无家者收容所、老年之家及 更多其|他地方。 You can help out at: after–school clubs, libraries, homeless shelters, old age homes and lots more. ... ... ... Volunteering in SummerPPT,第六部分内容:巩固练习: 一、选择题: 1、The nurse took ____ care of children. A、good  B、well   C、after   D、about 2、when I returned to school ,the girl was___in the classroom. A、alone   B、along    C、lone    D、lonely 3、My parents left me by myself at home yesterday and I felt very _____. A、alone    B、along   C、lone   D、lonely 根据汉语意思完成句子: 1、老师告诉学生要保护好新书。 The teacher told the students to _____  ____ ____  _____  the new book. 2、你不能把他单独留在家里。 You can’t _____  him ____   at home. 3、这些日子我感到有点孤独。 I feel a little ____   these days. 4、他每天早上在公园里遛狗。 He ____  _____  _____  in the park  every morning. ... ... ... 关键词:冀教版七年级下册英语PPT课件免费下载,Volunteering in SummerPPT下载,Summer Holiday Is Coming!PPT下载,.PPT格式;


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