《Surfing in Sydney》Seasons PPT课件下载

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  • 详细信息
    • ID:65289
    • 版本:冀教版
    • 册别:七年级下册
    • 等级:普通
    • 年份:2019
    • 大小:13919 KB
    • 格式:pptx
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冀教版英语七年级下册《Surfing in Sydney》Seasons PPT课件下载
《Surfing in Sydney》Seasons PPT课件下载 第一部分内容:词汇听写 同学们,上一课学习的单词你们都掌握了吗?现在大家来检验一下,点击下面的音频开始听写吧! 课堂导入 What do you think of Australia? ... ... ... Surfing in SydneyPPT,第二部分内容:课文呈现 Aaron's Blog G’day mates My name is Aaron and  I'm16 years old. I live in Sydney, Australia. It is always sunny here, and we have lots of beaches. Our summers are always very hot. Often, the temperature reaches❶40 degrees! Seasons in Australia are different from seasons  In many other countries. Summers here go from  December to February. Our winter is from June to August.  Summer is my favourite season. I don't have to wear shoes! ... ... ... Surfing in SydneyPPT,第三部分内容:知识讲解 知识点1 reach/riːtʃ/v.达到 eg:You'll know better when you reach my age. 当你到了我这样的年纪的时候,你就明白多了。 reach v.够得着 eg:He is tall enough to reach the apples on the tree. 他个子足够高,能够得着树上的苹果。 reach v.到达(某处),及物动词,直接加地点。 eg:He will reach Beijing tomorrow. 明天他将到达北京。 知识点2 on a windy day在刮风天 on表时间时,用于具体某一天或某一天的上、下午或晚上。 eg:They watch TV on Sundays. 他们在周日看电视。 He went to America on a summer afternoon. 他于一个夏天的下午去了美国。 知识点3 popular/'pɒpjʊlə/adj.流行的 常用结构:be popular with意为“很受……的欢迎”。 eg:This song is popular with young people. 这首歌很受年轻人的欢迎。 ... ... ... Surfing in SydneyPPT,第四部分内容:Let's Do It ! 1) Listen and circle the correct words. 1.Aaron is (16/18) years old. 2.Aaron lives in (Canada/Australia). 3.Aaron's favourite season is(winter/summer). 4.Surfing (is/isn't)very popular in Sydney. 5.Aaron's father(can/can't)get a good picture of him. 2) Match the words with the correct meanings. 3) Read the lesson and fill in the blanks with the phrases in the box. lots of beaches good exercise   are different from  a great surfer     December to February 1.   I live in Sydney,  Australia. We have______________. 2.Seasons in Australia ________________seasons in many other countries. 3.Summers here go from_____________________. 4.Surfing is very popular here. It is difficult, but very______________. 5.I hope to be ________________one day. ... ... ... Surfing in SydneyPPT,第五部分内容:课堂小结 本节课主要学习了澳大利亚的季节以及活动,掌握了知识点reach, popular, watch, on a windy day 和another way of doing sth.的用法,提高了阅读理解和综合运用语言的能力。 课后作业 1.熟记所学单词,短语,句型等知识点 2.完成本课时的课后作业 关键词:冀教版七年级下册英语PPT课件免费下载,Surfing in SydneyPPT下载,SeasonsPPT下载,.PPT格式;


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