《What Is Your Club Type?》After-School Activities PPT下载

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  • 详细信息
    • ID:65215
    • 版本:冀教版
    • 册别:七年级下册
    • 等级:普通
    • 年份:2019
    • 大小:3066 KB
    • 格式:pptx
《What Is Your Club Type?》After-School Activities PPT下载-预览图01
《What Is Your Club Type?》After-School Activities PPT下载-预览图02
《What Is Your Club Type?》After-School Activities PPT下载-预览图03
《What Is Your Club Type?》After-School Activities PPT下载-预览图04
《What Is Your Club Type?》After-School Activities PPT下载-预览图05


冀教版英语七年级下册《What Is Your Club Type?》After-School Activities PPT下载
《What Is Your Club Type?》After-School Activities PPT下载 第一部分内容:Learning Targets Key words: type, following, which, circle, add, score, relax, free, mind, active, quietly, must, without, bored, example Key phrases :  be right for sb., listen to music, in one’s free time, love to do sth., on the way, be bored with,  join a club Key sentences: 1. What club is right for you? 2. Then add up your score and find out your club type! 3. I like to listen to music and relax. 4. I usually draw and paint in my free time. 5. I like to read books and exercise my mind. 6. I can't sit quietly. 7. I must do something active inside. 8. I can't go anywhere without them. 9. I will be bored without a book. ... ... ... What Is Your Club Type?PPT,第二部分内容:objectives 学会利用问卷了解自己的喜好并找到适合自己的兴趣俱乐部。 掌握本课的重点词汇,短语和句型。 课前准备: 用一分钟时间对单词进行复习,使学生在新课学习中没有单词障碍。 通过朗读,使学生熟练掌握单词的正确发音。 所呈现单词均出自课本单词表中的黑体重点词汇。 Lead in Think about it! What do you like to do for fun? What club do you want to join in? What is your club type? Let's see what clubs we have in our school! There are dance club, singing club, reading club and so on. ... ... ... What Is Your Club Type?PPT,第三部分内容:Words and expressions type  n. 类型;种类 following  adj. 接着的;下述的 which  adj.&pron. 哪(那)一个 circle   v. 圈出     n. 圆 add     v.加;增加;添加 score  n. 得分 relax   v. 放松;休息       ... ... ... What Is Your Club Type?PPT,第四部分内容:Presentation What club is right for you?  Read the following questions.  Which answer describes you best? Circle it.  Then add up your score and find out your club type! 1. Do you get enough exercise? a. Always! I love playing sports.  b. Not really. I like to listen to music and relax.   c. Not really. I usually draw and paint in my free time.    d. Never. I like to read books and exercise my mind. 2. What is your favourite school subject? a. P.E. I like to be active.  b. Music. I like to play an instrument.  c. Art. I love to draw and paint.  d. English and Chinese. I enjoy reading and writing.  3. What do you do on a cold and snowy day?  a. I can’t sit quietly.  I must do something active inside. b. I stay in my room and listen to music or play an instrument. c. I paint or draw a picture.  d. I read a book or write a story.  ... ... ... What Is Your Club Type?PPT,第五部分内容:Language points 1. What club is right for you? (1) be right for  对……合适,适合…… 其后常接表示人、组织、团体的代词宾格或名词。例:This plan is right for your vacation. 这项计划适合你的假期。 【拓展】right adj. 正确的; 合适的; 右方的; 好的,正常的。例:Maybe you are right. But I have my own opinion. 或许你是正确的。但是我有自己的意见。 2. Which answer describes you best? which pron.  哪个; 哪一个; 哪一些 Which is better exercise ─ swimming or tennis? 游泳和网球,哪种运动比较好? Which of the pens is yours? 哪支笔是你的? Which of the women is his mother? 哪位女士是他的母亲? Which way is the wind blowing? 风朝哪个方向刮? 辨析 which 与 what what 和 which都是疑问代词,可以指事物,它们既可以单独作主语或宾语,也可以作定语修饰名词, 区别: which 意为“哪一个”,既可作形容词,也可作代词,用于引导特殊疑问句,表示从给定的范围中去选择事物。 what 意为“什么,哪个”,它用来引导特殊疑问句,表示的是在不确定的范围内选择事物。 3. Then add up your score and find out your club type! (1) add up意为“把……加起来”。它是“动词+副词”构成的动副型短语,当宾语是代词时,要放在add与up之间;当宾语是名词时,放在两者之间或者up之后均可。例:Can you help me add up these numbers?你能帮我把这些数字加起来吗? 【拓展】 ① add up to意为“总计达……”; ② add...to...意为“把……加到……里面去”。 (2) score是可数名词,意为“得分,比分”。 询问“比分是多少”的句型为:What is the score?回答时用:It is+基数词+to+基数词. 例:—What's the score of the match now?现在比赛的比分是多少了?—It's 12 to 8. 比分是12 :8。 (3) type是名词,意为“种类,类型”,相当于kind。常用短语:a type of一种……;different types of不同种类的……  ... ... ... What Is Your Club Type?PPT,第六部分内容:Exercise 一、单项选择。 1. —It's too cold today. Would you mind ________the window? —Certainly not. Go ahead.(贵州安顺中考) A.to close B.closing C.close D.closed 2.  Could you give me a hand?I can't complete the task on time________ your help. (广东中考) A.without B.under    C.with D.for 3. —________ kind of tea would you like? —I love black tea.  A.Which    B.What C.Whose D.That; 4. My deskmate is really ________. She likes to attend different activities after school. (2017·安徽) A.activeB.quiet  C.lazy  D.honest 5. Seeing a bird resting by the window (停在窗户旁) ,the boy moved _______to have a look at it.  A.politely B.quietly C.easily D.safely 二、用疑问词完成英语句子,每空一词。 1. —______ is your favourite subject? —English, of course. 2. —______ did you go to Tokyo? —By ship. 3. —______ are you going to spend your holiday? —In Qingdao. 4. —______ blouse do you like better, the red one or the purple one? —The purple one. ... ... ... What Is Your Club Type?PPT,第七部分内容:Summary 1. Learnt some new words and expression, for example, which, circle, add, score, relax, free, mind, active, quietly, without... 2. Learnt some useful prepositions such as on, in , and so on. 3. We’ve done some listening and reading exercises. Homework 1. Choose a club type and make an advertisement for it. 2. Write a short passage about your favourite club. 3. Preview Lesson 22. 关键词:冀教版七年级下册英语PPT课件免费下载,What Is Your Club Type?PPT下载,After-School ActivitiesPPT下载,.PPT格式;


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