《A Visit to Lanzhou》A Trip to the Silk Road PPT免费课件

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  • 详细信息
    • ID:65118
    • 版本:冀教版
    • 册别:七年级下册
    • 等级:普通
    • 年份:2019
    • 大小:735 KB
    • 格式:pptx
《A Visit to Lanzhou》A Trip to the Silk Road PPT免费课件-预览图01
《A Visit to Lanzhou》A Trip to the Silk Road PPT免费课件-预览图02
《A Visit to Lanzhou》A Trip to the Silk Road PPT免费课件-预览图03
《A Visit to Lanzhou》A Trip to the Silk Road PPT免费课件-预览图04


冀教版英语七年级下册《A Visit to Lanzhou》A Trip to the Silk Road PPT免费课件
《A Visit to Lanzhou》A Trip to the Silk Road PPT免费课件 第一部分内容:Learning Targets Key words & phrases: group, bridge, cross, wide, cheese, go for a walk, go down, turn left/right, lead sb. to sp., in front of, take a picture of Key sentences: 1. Later, they go for a walk along the Yellow River. 2. Let’s go down this street and turn left at the traffic lights. 3. The Silk Road crossed the Yellow River in Lanzhou.  4. Can we take a picture in front of the statue, Ms. Martin? ... ... ... A Visit to LanzhouPPT,第二部分内容:Lead in the Yellow River the Yellow River in Lanzhou the Lanzhou Zhongshan Bridge the Mother River Statue Words and expressions group n. 群;组;团体 bridge n. 桥梁 cross v.  横跨;横穿 wide  adj.   宽的;广泛的 cheese  n. 干酪;奶酪; ... ... ... A Visit to LanzhouPPT,第三部分内容:Presentation Listen and read. The group takes a train to Lanzhou. Then they go to the hotel. Later, they go for a walk along the Yellow River. Li Ming: All right. Let’s go down this street and turn left at the traffic lights. This road will lead us to the Yellow River. Danny: Look! A bridge! Li Ming: This is the Lanzhou Zhongshan Bridge. It was the first bridge over the Yellow River. The Silk Road crossed the Yellow River in Lanzhou. Danny: Wow, the Yellow River is so wide! Li Ming: Yes. It’s wide and long. The Yellow River is about 5 400 kilometres long. We call it the mother river. Danny: Look! A statue beside the Yellow River! A Mother with a baby! Li Ming: Oh, that’s the Mother River Statue. Ms. Martin: It’s beautiful! Danny: Can we take a picture in front of the statue, Ms. Martin? Ms. Martin: Sure! ... ... ... A Visit to LanzhouPPT,第四部分内容:Let’s Do It! 1.Listen and circle the correct words. 1. The group (drives/walks) along the Yellow River. 2. Lanzhou Zhongshan Bridge is the (first/second) bridge over the Yellow River. 3. They see (a statue of a mother with a baby/a statue of a father with a baby) beside the Yellow River. 4. They (can/can’t) take a picture in front of the statue.  2.Read the lesson and answer the questions. 1. How long is the Yellow River? It is about 5 400 kilometres long.  2. What do Chinese people call the Yellow River? The Mother River. 3. Where does the group see the Mother River Statue? Beside the Yellow River.  4. What do the children say when Ms. Martin takes their picture? They say “Cheese!” ... ... ... A Visit to LanzhouPPT,第五部分内容:Language points 1. The group takes a train to Lanzhou.   (1) group 如果指代“整体”看作单数形式;如果指代“成员” 则看作为复数。  如:The group_________to visit Beijing.   The group_________having a meeting.  (2) take a train乘火车。它的结构是:take+a/an/the+交通工具,相当于“by+交通工具”。但是,“take+a/an/the+交通工具”在句中为“谓语+宾语”结构,而“by+交通工具”在句中作方式状语且常放在句末。 如:I will take a plane to Beijing. =I will go to Beijing by plane. 我将乘飞机去北京。 2. Later, they go for a walk along the Yellow River.  go for a walk  去散步。 如:Let’s go for a walk. 咱们去散步吧。  3. It was the first bridge over the Yellow River. over prep.  ① 在……上(指垂直的正上方)    如:There is a bridge over the river.河上有座桥。 ② 越过  如:I can jump over the wall.  我能跳过那堵墙。 ... ... ... A Visit to LanzhouPPT,第六部分内容:Exercises 单项选择。 1. I often go to school ______. A. by a bus         B. by the bus     C. by bus            D. by buses   2. — Will they ______ to Beijing? — I don’t know. A. take a bus      B. by a bus   C. take bus         D. by bus       3. There is a big tree ______ the classroom.    A. in front             B. in the front of    C. at the front of  D. in front of 4. The teacher let everyone ______  “cheese!”    A. to say       B. to speak    C. say           D. speak 5. You must be careful when you swim ______ the lake. (山东潍坊中考) A.across B.below  C.over  D.through ... ... ... A Visit to LanzhouPPT,第七部分内容:Summary 1. Learned some new words and phrases. 2. Learned the culture of Lanzhou and get to know its places of interest. Homework 1. Review and recite the imporant points of Lesson 4.  2. Try to draw or create your own statue. 3. Preview Lesson 5. 关键词:冀教版七年级下册英语PPT课件免费下载,A Visit to LanzhouPPT下载,A Trip to the Silk RoadPPT下载,.PPT格式;


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