《Let's Go to the Bookstore!》Let's Go! PPT免费课件

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  • 详细信息
    • ID:64932
    • 版本:冀教版
    • 册别:七年级上册
    • 等级:普通
    • 年份:2019
    • 大小:1375 KB
    • 格式:pptx
《Let's Go to the Bookstore!》Let's Go! PPT免费课件-预览图01
《Let's Go to the Bookstore!》Let's Go! PPT免费课件-预览图02
《Let's Go to the Bookstore!》Let's Go! PPT免费课件-预览图03
《Let's Go to the Bookstore!》Let's Go! PPT免费课件-预览图04


冀教版英语七年级上册《Let's Go to the Bookstore!》Let's Go! PPT免费课件
《Let's Go to the Bookstore!》Let's Go! PPT免费课件 第一部分内容:Lead-in Do you like reading books? Why? Where can you get books? We can get books at the bookstore. How can I go to the bookstore? ... ... ... Let's Go to the Bookstore!PPT,第二部分内容:Learning Aims 掌握交通方式的表达。 学会问路与指路用语。 Let’s learn the new words bookstore   n.  书店 ride          v.  骑;乘坐 broken     adj.  坏的;破碎的 off           adv.  离开;关上 lost          adj.  迷路的 lady    n.  女士;夫人 straight  adv./ adj.  直(的) traffic    n.  交通;车辆 luck    n.  幸运;运气 Some useful phrases:  1. take/drive a bus    2. take Bus 42 3. take/drive a car     4. get lost 5. ride a/my bike      6. get off 7. on the way to…    8. look for  ... ... ... Let's Go to the Bookstore!PPT,第三部分内容:Reading Task Read and choose the correct answers. 1. Where are Jenny and Danny going? A.To the post office. B.To the bookstore. C.To the library. 2. How do they go there? A.By bus.     B.By bike.     C.On foot. 3. Who do they ask for directions? A.A lady.     B.A man.      C.Mr. Jones Fill in the blanks with the words in the box. excuse     luck   straight     traffic 1. A: _______ me. Can you tell me the way to the library? B: Go _______ and turn right at the first _______ lights. 2. A: What’s the matter? B: I had bad _____ today. I lost my book. ... ... ... Let's Go to the Bookstore!PPT,第四部分内容:Language points 1. How can we get there? 在英语中询问交通方式时用how来提问,回答时用 by+表示交通工具的名词或者on  foot。 例如: ——How will she go to the zoo?  —— By bus/ car/ bike/ on foot. 2.Danny and Jenny get off the bus. get off 表示 “从马、火车、汽车、船、飞机上”下来; get out of表示 “从出租车或者小汽车上下来”; get on 表示乘坐“马、火车、公共汽车、船、飞机”等; get in 表示“乘坐小汽车、出租车”。 3. But they get lost on the way to the bookstore. get lost 迷路,get 是系动词 on the way to  在去……的 路上,可以和on one’s way to转换,one’s 取决于主语。 e.g. Li Ming buys some cakes on his way home.  4. We are looking for the bookstore. look for 寻找;find 找到 eg. I’m looking for my book, but I can’t find it. 5. Go down this street. Turn left at the traffic lights. down 为介词,相当于along,表示“沿着”。 turn left = turn to the left ... ... ... Let's Go to the Bookstore!PPT,第五部分内容:Practice 1.单项选择 1._____ can we go to school? A. What      B. Who         C. How    D. Where 2.How do you ____there? A. get        B. will get     C. is getting   D. gets 3. We can take ________. A. Bus 42      B. 42 bus C. 42 Bus      D. the bus 42 4.He is ____  the school. He is lost.    A. look for    B. see   C.  looking for   D. looks at 2.翻译句子 1.我爸爸总是乘公交车去上班。 My father always goes to work by bus. 2.车来了,我们上车吧! The bus is here. Let’s get on! 3.这位老人经常在回家途中迷路。 The old man often gets lost on the way home. 4.王刚在找工作,但是没找到。 Wang Gang is looking for a job, but he can’t find one. 5.沿着这条路走,在红绿灯处右转。 Go down the street. Turn right at the traffic lights. ... ... ... Let's Go to the Bookstore!PPT,第六部分内容:Summary key words:  bookstore, ride, broken, off, lost, lady,  straight, traffic, luck  key sentences:  1. How can we get there? 2. Go down this street.  Turn left at the traffic lights. 3. Gook luck! ... ... ... Let's Go to the Bookstore!PPT,第七部分内容:Homework How can you go to your school?  Write a short dialogue and share with your classmates. 关键词:冀教版七年级上册英语PPT课件免费下载,Let's Go to the Bookstore!PPT下载,Let's Go!PPT下载,.PPT格式;


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