《Grandma's Birthday Party》Family and Home PPT教学课件

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  • 详细信息
    • ID:64928
    • 版本:冀教版
    • 册别:七年级上册
    • 等级:普通
    • 年份:2019
    • 大小:634 KB
    • 格式:pptx
《Grandma's Birthday Party》Family and Home PPT教学课件-预览图01
《Grandma's Birthday Party》Family and Home PPT教学课件-预览图02
《Grandma's Birthday Party》Family and Home PPT教学课件-预览图03


冀教版英语七年级上册《Grandma's Birthday Party》Family and Home PPT教学课件
《Grandma's Birthday Party》Family and Home PPT教学课件 第一部分内容:Lead-in What do you do at a birthday party? The girl is _____________. They are ___________. The old woman is ______________. The boy is ______________. ... ... ... Grandma's Birthday PartyPPT,第二部分内容:Presentation New Words set  v. 摆放 teacup  n. 茶杯 Text Reading Today is my grandma's birthday. My family is having a party. It's at my grandma and grandpa's house. My mother and Aunt Jane are cooking. My brother, Bob, is setting the table. My grandpa, my father and Uncle Fred are talking and laughing. My sister, Lynn, is playing with my cousin, Heidi. ... ... ... Grandma's Birthday PartyPPT,第三部分内容:Language points 1. My family is having a party. 我家正在举办一个派对。 have  1)有,拥有 eg:  This coat has no pockets.  这件衣服没有口袋 2) 吃,喝; eg: They are having supper. 他们正在吃午饭。  Have a cup of tea, please.  请喝杯茶。 3) 进行,从事(某事) eg: The manager is having a meeting.  经理正在开会。 2. My brother Bob is setting the table. set 摆放,放置,落下 eg: Tom sets a vase on the table. 汤姆把花瓶放在了桌子上。 eg: The sun sets early in winter. 冬天落日早。 ... ... ... Grandma's Birthday PartyPPT,第四部分内容:Practice Tell the students today is my birthday. Help the students to practice like this : T : Today is my birthday. S : Happy birthday to you ! T:  Thank you ! ... ... ... Grandma's Birthday PartyPPT,第五部分内容:Summary 1. key expressions: teacup, set the table 2. key points: 现在进行时的讲解与练习。 ... ... ... Grandma's Birthday PartyPPT,第六部分内容:Homework 作文:描述你的一次生日聚会,词数不少于70。 要求:1. 写明聚会时间,地点,参加者;  2. 你收到哪些礼物;  3. 你们进行了哪些活动。 关键词:冀教版七年级上册英语PPT课件免费下载,Grandma's Birthday PartyPPT下载,Family and HomePPT下载,.PPT格式;


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