《John and Jack》At Home PPT课件

  • 2024-10-01
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  • 详细信息
    • ID:64158
    • 版本:冀教版(三起)
    • 册别:四年级上册
    • 等级:普通
    • 年份:2019
    • 大小:1129 KB
    • 格式:pptx
《John and Jack》At Home PPT课件-预览图01
《John and Jack》At Home PPT课件-预览图02


冀教版(三起)英语四年级上册《John and Jack》At Home PPT课件
《John and Jack》At Home PPT课件 第一部分内容:Warm-up Greetings. T: Hello! Boys and girls! S: Hello. Mr. ... T: How are you? S: Fine, thank you. And you? T: I’m fine, too. Review  Ask and answer. T: What do you do at home? S1: I help my mum and dad. S2: I talk on the phone with my friends. S3: I watch TV after dinner. S4: I play on the computer. ... ... ... John and JackPPT,第二部分内容:Presentation  1.Learn new word and phrases. ball throw a ball catch a ball play together wash my hands 2.Read the passage and underline the difficult words and sentences, then write them down on the paper. 3.Read and write. Who can read? ball throw a ball catch a ball play together wash my hands put on my clothes have breakfast clean my bedroom 4.Listen, read and repeat. 5.听课文,判断对错。 (    ) 1. John and Jack are good friends. (    ) 2. They play together. (    ) 3. In the afternoon, John brushes his teeth and washes his face. (    ) 4. In the afternoon, John goes home with Jack. (    ) 5. Jack runs to  catch the ball. ... ... ... John and JackPPT,第三部分内容:Practice   Read the story in your group and act it out. 请几组学生向全班表演他们所练习的故事。  Consolidation and extension   1.和小伙伴讲这个故事。 2.做同步练习。 关键词:冀教版四年级上册英语PPT课件免费下载,John and JackPPT下载,At HomePPT下载,.PPT格式;


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