《TV and Phone》At Home PPT课件

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  • 详细信息
    • ID:64140
    • 版本:冀教版(三起)
    • 册别:四年级上册
    • 等级:普通
    • 年份:2019
    • 大小:1941 KB
    • 格式:pptx
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冀教版(三起)英语四年级上册《TV and Phone》At Home PPT课件
《TV and Phone》At Home PPT课件 第一部分内容:话题导入 1. What do you do at home? I help my mum and dad. I talk on the phone with my friends. I watch TV after dinner. I play on the computer. ... ... ... TV and PhonePPT,第二部分内容:知识讲解 知识点 1 I help my mum and dad.我帮助我的妈妈和爸爸。 help /help/ v. (动词)帮助;协助;援助 例句:I help my brother.我帮助我的弟弟。 拓展  help… with… 表示“在某方面给予帮助”,如:Tom can help me with my English.(汤姆能帮助我学英语); help sb.(to)do sth.表示“帮助某人做某事”,如:I help my mother do the housework.(我帮助妈妈做家务)。 dad /dæd / n. (名词)爸爸(非正式用语) 例句:My dad is very tall.我的爸爸很高。 对应词:mum 妈妈。 知识点 2 I talk on the phone with my friends. 我通过电话和我的朋友们交谈。 talk /tɔːk / v. (动词)交谈;讨论 例句:Let's have a talk.让我们谈一谈。 短语:talk with/to sb.和某人谈话 talk about sth.谈论某事 phone /fəʊn / n. (名词)电话 例句:What's your phone number? 你的电话号码是多少? 短语:phone number 电话号码 on the phone 通过电话 典例 We often talk________ the phone. A. on  B. of  C. for 点拨:talk on the phone意为“通过电话交谈”。 ... ... ... 2. Let's do it! Look and write. a. The phone is ________ the chair. 电话在椅子________。 b. The ________ is ________ the box. ________在盒子________。 c. The ________ is ________ the desk. ________在桌子________。 问一问,答一答。然后打“√”。 (  )I talk on the phone with my friends.  (  )I play on the computer.  (  )I watch TV.  (  )I sing a song.  (  )I write a story.  (  )I do my homework.  (  √  )I read a book.  (  )I help my mum and dad.  ... ... ... TV and PhonePPT,第三部分内容:当堂检测 一、单项选择。 1. Lily________ me________ my English. A. helps; toB. helps; withC. help; with 点拨:help… with… 表示“在某方面给予帮助”;主语Lily是第三人称单数,谓语动词help加s。故选B项。 2. I________ TV in the evening. A. watchesB. to watchC. watch 点拨:主语是第一人称,谓语动词用动词原形。故选C项。 3. I talk________ the phone ________ my mother. A. in; with B. on; withC. with; on 点拨:talk with/to sb.意为“和某人谈话”,是固定搭配;on the phone 意为“通过电话”,符合题意。故选B项。 二、问句答语选一选。 (  )1. What do you do at home? (  )2. What day is today? (  )3. What's she wearing? (  )4. Are these your books? A.She's wearing a skirt. B.I do my homework. C.Yes, they are. D.It's Monday. 三、选择恰当的单词补全短语。 A. talk B. help 1. ________ my mum and dad 2. ________ on the phone ... ... ... TV and PhonePPT,第四部分内容:课堂小结 本节课我们学习了以下知识,请同学们一定加强巩固,以便能和同学们进行灵活交流哦! 重点词汇:Help, talk, phone, friend, watch, after, dinner 重点句式:I help my mum and dad. I talk on the phone with my friends. I watch TV after dinner. What do you do at home? ... ... ... TV and PhonePPT,第五部分内容:课后作业 1  熟记本节课所学的句型、短语和单词,必须会听、说、读、写。 2  将What do you do at home?的对话朗读流利。 3  完成配套的课后作业。 关键词:冀教版四年级上册英语PPT课件免费下载,TV and PhonePPT下载,At HomePPT下载,.PPT格式;


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