《We're preparing for a food festival》SectionC PPT

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  • 详细信息
    • ID:63446
    • 版本:仁爱版
    • 册别:八年级下册
    • 等级:免费
    • 年份:2018
    • 大小:1844 KB
    • 格式:pptx
《We're preparing for a food festival》SectionC PPT-预览图01
《We're preparing for a food festival》SectionC PPT-预览图02
《We're preparing for a food festival》SectionC PPT-预览图03


仁爱版英语八年级下册《We're preparing for a food festival》SectionC PPT
《We're preparing for a food festival》SectionC PPT 第一部分内容:新课导入 Say something that you know from Section A and B.The following information and pictures may help you. Craig Kielburger Free the Children 700 school rooms build a school in Kenya raise money food festival on the playground on Sunday prepare delicious food such as  ... ... ... 《We're preparing for a food festival》PPT,第二部分内容:Listen and answer the following questions. 1.Where did Craig spend his childhood? In Canada. 2.What’s Craig’s favorite food? His favorite food is fried chicken. 3.Did Craig gather his friends and start a group? Yes,he did. 4.How many members does Free the Children have now? About 100 000 members. 5.What's the motto of Free the Children? Children helping Children. ... ... ... 《We're preparing for a food festival》PPT,第三部分内容:Key points 1.Thank you for inviting me to your food festival. Thank you for doing sth.“因...而感谢” E.g:感谢你帮助我。Thank you for helping me. 2.He knew children should go to school instead of working in factories all day. instead of “代替;而不是” E.g:我是否可以要可乐来代替果汁? Could I have cola instead of juice? 3.He decided to fight against the bosses. fight against“与......作斗争/抗争” 4.As a result,a bad man killed him. as a result “结果” ... ... ... 《We're preparing for a food festival》PPT,第四部分内容:Project Disscuss with your partner what you will do for Free the Children. You can use the following phrases:    make a poster about Free the Children ask others to join tell my parents about it write a letter to them raise money/clothes/toys ... ... ... 《We're preparing for a food festival》PPT,第五部分内容:Exercises in class 根据汉语完成下列句子。 1.他在乡下度过他的童年。 He spent his_________ in the countryside. 2.他不专心听老师讲课,结果他考试不及格。 He didn't listen to the teacher carefully in class,___ ____ ____,he failed the exam. 3.在你们小组里面有多少个成员? How many ________ are there in your ________? 4.我们应该走路而不是坐公车上学。 We should walk ______ ______ taking a bus to school. 5.为了按时到达学校,他每天都不得不早点起床。 He gets up early every day______ ______ ______ get to school on time. ... ... ... 《We're preparing for a food festival》PPT,第六部分内容:Summary We learn: 1. Some new words: regret,gather,group,member,roof 2. Some phrases instead of,as a result,in order to,fight against We can: 1.Predict,use our known knowledge and find key words and ideas while we read. 2.Interview somebody about something. ... ... ... 《We're preparing for a food festival》PPT,第七部分内容:Homework 1. Read 1a aloud and try to repeat. 2. Finish Section C in your workbook. 3. Preview Section D. 关键词:仁爱版八年级下册英语PPT课件免费下载,《We're preparing for a food festival》PPT下载,.PPT格式;


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