《How can we protect ourselves from the earthquake?》SectionA PPT

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  • 详细信息
    • ID:63395
    • 版本:仁爱版
    • 册别:八年级上册
    • 等级:免费
    • 年份:2018
    • 大小:543 KB
    • 格式:pptx
《How can we protect ourselves from the earthquake?》SectionA PPT-预览图01
《How can we protect ourselves from the earthquake?》SectionA PPT-预览图02
《How can we protect ourselves from the earthquake?》SectionA PPT-预览图03


仁爱版英语八年级上册《How can we protect ourselves from the earthquake?》SectionA PPT
《How can we protect ourselves from the earthquake?》SectionA PPT 第一部分内容:Let's talk The telephone is useful. The mobile phone is ___________ than the telephone. The computer is _______________ of the three. Ask and answer with your partner according to 2b. A:The __________ is dangerous. B: I think the ________ is more dangerous than the ________. C: Yes, but the _________ is the most dangerous of the three. ... ... ... 《How can we protect ourselves from the earthquake?》PPT,第二部分内容:Let's know more about earthquakes. Look the flash of 1a and choose the correct answer. Kangkang and Li Ming are talking about _______. A.ways to protect us from earthquakes B.the earthquakes in China C.the number of buildings falling down D.the missing people in earthquake ... ... ... 《How can we protect ourselves from the earthquake?》PPT,第三部分内容:Key points 1. lose one’s life      失去生命 2. protect sb. from    保护……免受…… Eg: 戴太阳镜可以保护眼睛不受伤害。 Wearing sunglasses can ____________________ the sunshine. 3. ask sb. for help   向某人求助 Eg: 当我们处于危险时,可以向警察求助。 We can _________________ when we are in danger. ... ... ... 《How can we protect ourselves from the earthquake?》PPT,第四部分内容:sum up 多音节词和部分双音节词:在词前加more/the most。 delicious—more delicious— the most delicious interesting— more interesting—the most interesting carefully—more carefully—the most carefully popular—more popular—the most popular careful—more careful—the most careful ... ... ... 《How can we protect ourselves from the earthquake?》PPT,第五部分内容:Exercises 翻译句子。 1.我的学校比你的学校更漂亮。 My school is more beautiful than yours.  2.我认为英语比数学更有趣。 I think English is more interesting than math. 3.鲨鱼是最危险的动物。 Sharks are the most dangerous animals.  4.他的病更严重了。 His illness is more serious.  Choose the best answers. 1. The building is ____ than that one. A. more taller    B. very taller   C. taller   D. so taller 2. Everything is getting ________. A. good and better         B. better and better C. best and better          D. best and best 3. Which is ______ , the moon or the earth ? A. big     B. very bigger    C. the bigger    D. bigger ... ... ... 《How can we protect ourselves from the earthquake?》PPT,第六部分内容:summary The phrases of the dialog : lose one’s life         失去生命 protect  sb. from      保护……免受…… ask sb. for help        向某人求助 The comparative and superlative of adjectives:  more +  adj.   the most + adj.  ... ... ... 《How can we protect ourselves from the earthquake?》PPT,第七部分内容:Homework 收集有关地震如何逃生的资料,准备下一个section 的学习。 关键词:仁爱版八年级上册英语PPT课件免费下载,《How can we protect ourselves from the earthquake?》PPT下载,.PPT格式;


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