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  • 详细信息
    • ID:62852
    • 版本:牛津译林版
    • 册别:九年级下册
    • 等级:精品
    • 年份:2021
    • 大小:99 KB
    • 格式:pptx


牛津译林版九年级英语下册《Asia》PPT习题课件(第4课时),共14页。 基础知识回顾 Ⅰ.根据首字母及汉语提示补全单词 1.The Japanese (  日本人  ) have taken over many European ways of life.  2.It’s actually a  state (  州  ) school.So it’s not very expensive for the people here.  3.He pays only a  quarter (  四分之一  ) of the normal fare because he works for the airline.  4.The food is good at this restaurant,but the  service (  服务  ) is poor.  5.The top of this mountain is three kilometres above the sea  level (  水平线  ).  Ⅱ.用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空  leave,high,call,million,difference  1.The computer game called Travel in Space was designed by a young woman.  2.Qomolangma is the highest mountain in the world.  3.It was very different from modern car races but no less exciting.  4.More than six million people visit the Eiffel Tower per year.  5.We haven’t heard from Lucy since she left Shanghai.  综合能力提升 Ⅰ.单项填空 (  B  )1.We’ll take_________tour to Beijing,_________capital city of China.  A.a;a B.a;theC.the;a  D.the;the (  A  )2.China is an_________country and we are_________.  A.Asian;Asians B.Asia;Asia C.Asia;Asian D.Asian;Asia (  C  )3.—Do you have any plans for this summer holiday? —I’m not sure.I_________take a trip to Sanya.  A.must B.need C.may D.should (  D  )4.There is_________much traffic on the road now_________he can’t get to school on time.  A.such;that   B.so;too C.such;too    D.so;that (  D  )5.—I am going to Thailand on holiday next week. —_________ A.Help yourself. B.Have a good dream! C.Don’t waste your money. D.Have a good trip! ... ... ... 关键词:《Asia》PPT课件免费下载,.PPT格式


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