《Sunshine for all》ReadingPPT课件

  • 2024-07-02
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  • 详细信息
    • ID:62656
    • 版本:牛津译林版
    • 册别:八年级下册
    • 等级:免费
    • 年份:2018
    • 大小:291 KB
    • 格式:pptx
《Sunshine for all》ReadingPPT课件-预览图01
《Sunshine for all》ReadingPPT课件-预览图02


牛津译林版英语八年级下册《Sunshine for all》ReadingPPT课件
《Sunshine for all》ReadingPPT课件 第一部分内容:Activities Activities 1 Ask and answer in pairs Talk about the 12th  Special Olympics World Games Activities 2 Interview Liu Ming about the Special Olympics World Games Activities 3 Fill in the blankets The Special Olympics World Games was_______ in Shanghai in 2007. It gave children and_______with intellectual disabilities a_______to show their skills to the world. They have many events_______to those in the Olympics. Liu Ming was the _______for the Special Olympics. He _______his spare time for it and_______support for the athletes. He helped a young boy from _______China take part in the Special Olympics. He helped the boy _______his dream. It  made the boy feel more_______. ... ... ... 《Sunshine for all》PPT,第二部分内容:Language points 1.Liu Ming didn’t know what to expect when he volunteered for the Special Olympics World Games. expect sb to do sth   盼望某人做某事 区别: hope , look  forward to 的用法 我希望你能尽快给我回信。(hope) I hope that you can write to me as soon as possible. 我们盼望着能早日参加这次校运会。(look forward to…) We are looking forward to take part in the school sports meeting. 老师希望我们能上课认真听讲。(expect) The teacher expects us to listen carefully in class. 2.  Over 40,000 people gave up their spare time for the 2007… give up  (doing) sth…放弃(做)某事 你不应该放弃这次机会的。 You shouldn’t give up this chance. 最后她放弃了和我们一起工作。 Finally, she gave up working with us. 3.  It was very brave of him to join the competition. It is +adj.  +of +sb.  to do sth. 帮助那位老人过马路你真是太好了。 It’s kind of you to help the elderly cross the road. ... ... ... 《Sunshine for all》PPT,第三部分内容:Translate the following phrases 为……义务做事  volunteer for… 最令人惊奇的经历  the most amazing experience 作为一名志愿者工作  work as a volunteer 给某人一个做某事的机会  give sb. a chance to do … 与……相似  be similar  放弃他们的业余时间  to…  give up their spare time 接受训练   receive training 一次成功  a great success 游泳教练   the swimming coach 获得了金牌 win the gold 感觉更自信 feel more confident 感觉像一个大家庭的一部分 feel like part of a big family 实现梦想 achieve one’s dream ... ... ... 《Sunshine for all》PPT,第四部分内容:Homework Recite the main phrases and sentences. Finish the exercises on P83. 关键词:牛津译林版八年级下册英语PPT课件免费下载,《Sunshine for all》PPT下载,.PPT格式;


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