《Kim's Favourite Season》Seasons PPT下载

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  • 详细信息
    • ID:62490
    • 版本:牛津译林版
    • 册别:八年级上册
    • 等级:普通
    • 年份:2019
    • 大小:2799 KB
    • 格式:pptx
《Kim's Favourite Season》Seasons PPT下载-预览图01
《Kim's Favourite Season》Seasons PPT下载-预览图02
《Kim's Favourite Season》Seasons PPT下载-预览图03


牛津译林版英语八年级上册《Kim's Favourite Season》Seasons PPT下载
《Kim's Favourite Season》Seasons PPT下载 第一部分内容:New words pie n. 馅饼 What is pie? It is a kind of cake. The outside is crispy (脆的,酥脆的) and the inside is usually filled with different fruit like apples, cherries (樱桃), blueberries (蓝莓), strawberries(草莓). clap v. 拍手,鼓掌 e.g. They are clapping for the speaker.  他们正为演讲者鼓掌。  happily adv. 幸福地,满足地 e.g. The family live happily.  这家人幸福地生活在一起。 ... ... ... Kim's Favourite SeasonPPT,第二部分内容:Warming up Let’s look at three students talking about their favourite seasons.  ‘Which is your favourite season?’Talk about it with your partner.  In spring, we can fly a kite. In spring , leaves and grass turn green. And we can go hiking.  In summer, we can go swimming.  In autumn, we can go to the farm to pick apples.  We can make a snowman in winter. It is very funny.  ... ... ... Kim's Favourite SeasonPPT,第三部分内容:Language point 1. It is a great season for apple picking. 句型:It is a great/good season for doing… 是做……的好季节。 e.g. It is a good season for going hiking.  这个季节是徒步旅行最好的季节。 2. How fun it is! 感叹句 how +形容词/副词+ (主语)+(谓语) 例如: How happy (they are)! How interesting (it is) ! How hard he works! How he likes the books! 注意:我们在前面的课时中,已经学习了由what引导的感叹句,两种感叹句的区别在于:what用来修饰名词,how用来修饰形容词,副词。 本课讲解what引导的感叹句式。 What +a/an + (形容词) + 单数可数名词 + (主语) + (谓语) e.g. What an interesting story (it is)! 好有趣的故事!  What +(形容词) + 可数名词复数或不 可数名词+ (主语)+(谓语) e.g. What cute boys (they are)! 好可爱的男孩! ... ... ... Kim's Favourite SeasonPPT,第四部分内容:练习 1. ____ delicious the dish is! A. What      B. How        C. What a 2. ____ strange clothes he is wearing! A. What a   B. What      C. How a 3. ____ an interesting subject it is! A. What      B. How        C. What an 4. ____ foggy it was yesterday! A. What      B. What a    C. How 5. ____ careless a boy you are! A. How       B. What a     C. What ... ... ... Kim's Favourite SeasonPPT,第五部分内容:Homework Talk about some fun activities you can do during autumn .  Then draw a picture and write down your favourite autumn activities.  关键词:冀教版七年级下册英语PPT课件免费下载,Kim's Favourite SeasonPPT下载,SeasonsPPT下载,.PPT格式;


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