《Wild animals》PPT课件(第3课时)

  • 2024-07-02
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  • 详细信息
    • ID:62434
    • 版本:牛津译林版
    • 册别:八年级上册
    • 等级:精品
    • 年份:2021
    • 大小:365 KB
    • 格式:pptx
《Wild animals》PPT课件(第3课时)-预览图01
《Wild animals》PPT课件(第3课时)-预览图02


牛津译林版英语八年级上册《Wild animals》PPT课件(第3课时)
牛津译林版八年级英语上册《Wild animals》PPT课件(第3课时),共22页。 Knowing about giant pandas B1)Millie does not know the meanings of some words in the report. Help her match the words on the left with the meanings on the right. Write the correct letters in the blanks. 1 be born                 ________   a d o something 2 in the beginning   ________    b  not any 3 serious                  ________    c  bad or dangerous 4 mainly                  ________    d  at first 5 take action            ________   e  more than anything else 6 none                     ________    f  come into the world as a baby B2)Millie is making a growth chart for Xi Wang. Help her match the sentences with the pictures.  a She learnt to look after herself. b She was about eight kilograms and started to go outside. c She looked like a white mouse.     d She began to eat bamboo.      e She weighed 100 grams.     f She weighed over 35 kilograms. 知识点 for example    例如 一般用于同类人或物中的一个为例,置于句首、句中或句末,用逗号与其他内容隔开。 such as 例如,列举同类人或事物中的几个例子,后接名词,代词或动名词,但只能列举并列的部分内容。 take action   采取行动 take action to do sth.意为“采取行动做某事”。 eg: It's time for us to take action to protect nature. 是我们采取行动保护自然的时候了。 none /nʌn/ pron.没有一个(人或物) eg: None of us come from the USA. 我们当中没有一个人来自美国。 课堂练习 一、单项选择 1.Usually,________ is difficult ________ baby pandas to live in the wild. They are not good at finding food for themselves. A.that; for  B.that; of       C.it; for       D.it; of 2. People cut down many trees, so wild animals don't have enough forests ________. A.living in     B.live in     C.to living in      D.to live in 3. —Where would you like to go for your summer holiday, Beijing or Shanghai?  —________.I will go to Sanya in Hainan. ( 德州) A.Both  B.Each          C.Neither  D.Either 4.—Some animals need people's support badly. —Yes. If nobody ______ them in the future, they______ out. A.help; die                  B.will help; will die C.will help; die            D.helps; will die 5. They are not twins. ________, they look the same. A. However           B. Because        C. But          D. As 二、根据汉语意思完成句子 6.雨下得很大,因此我们不能出去。 It's raining hard, and,_____ ______ ______,we can't go out. 7.一开始,我对数学不感兴趣。 ______ ______ _________, I took no interest in maths. 8.当我们处境危险时,我们应该知道如何保护自己。 When we are _______ _______, we should know ________ _______ ________ _________. ... ... ... 关键词:《Wild animals》PPT课件免费下载,.PPT格式


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