《Finding your way》PPT

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  • 详细信息
    • ID:62260
    • 版本:牛津译林版
    • 册别:七年级下册
    • 等级:免费
    • 年份:2018
    • 大小:1352 KB
    • 格式:pptx
《Finding your way》PPT-预览图01
《Finding your way》PPT-预览图02
《Finding your way》PPT-预览图03
《Finding your way》PPT-预览图04


牛津译林版英语七年级下册《Finding your way》PPT
《Finding your way》PPT 第一部分内容:Words review follow  vt. 跟随;仿效 path  n. 小路,小径 have to  不得不,必须 north  n., adj. & adv. 北,北方 west   n., adj. & adv. 西,西方 south  n., adj. & adv. 南,南方 east   n., adj. & adv. 东,东方 trip    n. 旅行,旅游 kilometre  n. (=km) <英>千米,公里 =  <美>kilometer  ... ... ... 《Finding your way》PPT,第二部分内容:Sum up A is +方向 of B (A在B的什么方位) 上海在南京的东面 Shanghai is__________of Nanjing.  A is in the +方向 of B(A在B里面什么方位) 上海在中国的东面 Shanghai is__________of China.  ... ... ... 《Finding your way》PPT,第三部分内容:Make a dialogue A: Let’s go to … B: Good idea. But where is …? A: It’s …of …. B: How can we get there? A: We can get there by…. Daniel and Simon's trip 1.Where are they going? Sunshine Zoo. 2.Where is it? It’s north of the school. 3. How will they get there? They will get there by bus. ... ... ... 《Finding your way》PPT,第四部分内容:Comic strip Read and answer the questions. 1. Where are Hobo and Eddie standing? On top of a hill. 2. How does Hobo go down the hill? Hobo jumps down. 3. What does the sign “Dogs this way” mean? 4. Do they have to go up the hill again? Yes, they do. ... ... ... 《Finding your way》PPT,第五部分内容:知识点 1.follow 跟随 请跟着我                  夏天在春天后面                       2. Are you sure, Hobo?      be sure 确信,有把握 (1) be sure to do sth. 表示说话人推测“一定,必然会”。 天肯定会下雨。 It _____ ______ ______ rain. (2) be sure + that从句,确信…… 我确信我能比你跑得快。 I’m ________ ________ I can run faster than you . Don’t be afraid. ①祈使句:e.g. (1) 上学不要迟到                                    (2) 不要再街上踢足球                                 ②(1) be afraid of (doing) sth. 害怕(做)某事,表示“怕……”“担心……” 这个小孩怕狗。 The little boy ______ _______ ______ the dog . (2) be afraid to do sth. 害怕做某事,着重指“因害怕而不敢做某事”。 夜间他不敢独自外出。 He ______ _______ _______ go out alone at night . (3) be afraid ( that ) 从句表示“引出不好的消息或带有歉意的回绝:。 抱歉,我恐怕帮不了你。I ______ ______ ________ I can’t help you . ... ... ... 《Finding your way》PPT,第六部分内容:句型转换练习 1. Let’s enjoy Beijing opera here. (改为同义句) ____ ___ / _____ ___ enjoy Beijing opera here? 2. Be late for school.   (改为否定句) ______ ___ late for school. 3. I think we can go there by underground. (改为否定句) I _____ _____ we can go there by underground. 4. She goes to the zoo by bus.  (对划线部分提问) ____ ____ she ___ to the zoo? 5. The Sunnyside Garden is north-west of the zoo. (改为一般疑问句) Is the Sunnyside Garden north-west of the zoo? 6. Simon walks to the supermarket.   (改为同义句) Simon ____ __ the supermarket ___ ____. 7. They go to the restaurant by bike.   (改为同义句) They ____ _____ to the restaurant. ... ... ... 《Finding your way》PPT,第七部分内容:把下列句子翻译成汉语: 1. Don’t be so sure. Let’s ask the teacher for help. 2. Don’t be afraid. We are all here to help you. 3. The zoo is north of Beijing Sunshine Secondary School. 4. Tom is going up the hill. 5. Don’t do it like that. 6. Some people are afraid of dogs. ... ... ... 关键词:牛津译林版七年级下册英语PPT课件免费下载,《Finding your way》PPT下载,.PPT格式;


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