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  • 详细信息
    • ID:62241
    • 版本:牛津译林版
    • 册别:七年级下册
    • 等级:免费
    • 年份:2018
    • 大小:2189 KB
    • 格式:pptx


《Neighbours》GrammarPPT 第一部分内容:新课导入 They will take them to the sports centre. They will take them to the cinema. Will they take them to the shopping mall? Yes, they will . Will they play badminton at the cinema? No, they won’t. ... ... ... 《Neighbours》PPT,第二部分内容:Discussion If I cannot find the way, what shall I do? If your mother is tired, what’ll you do? If you are ill, what’ll your best friend do? I am going to visit the Great Wall. = I will visit the Great Wall. What is your mother going to do? She’s going to visit the Summer Palace. ... ... ... 《Neighbours》PPT,第三部分内容:“be going to” Talking about the future with “be going to” We can use “be going to” when we talk about: 1、fixed plans for a certain time in the near future. I’m going to take another route. She is going to visit her grandmother next Friday. 谈论在一个较近的未来某一时间计划好要发生的事情 2、things that will probably happen. It’s so cloudy. I think it’s going to rain. We are going to win the  game. The other team is not strong at all. 谈论有依据判断的未来很有可能发生的事情 ... ... ... 《Neighbours》PPT,第四部分内容:Language points Amy is going to bring water. take和bring take v.“拿走”指把某物从说话人所在的地方取走,带走。 bring v.“带来”指把某物带到说话人所在的地方,如: 【结论】 1). take和bring都是动词,都有“拿、带”的意思,都可以与介词 ___ 连用,表示“把……带(拿)到……”。 2). take常与第____人称、副词“___________”一起使用。 3). bring常与第____人称、副词“___________”一起使用。 【运用】 请根据句意用bring或take填空。 1). ______  your brother here tomorrow, please. 2). The teacher asks Paul to ____ those books away. 3). ____ this yellow jacket there and _____ me that blue one. ... ... ... 《Neighbours》PPT,第五部分内容:Work in pairs What are you going to do for old people this Sunday? What’s your father / mother / going to do for your neighbours tomorrow? What are you going to do for poor children the day after tomorrow? What’s your father / mother to do for your community next week? ... ... ... 《Neighbours》PPT,第六部分内容:一般将来时 一、一般将来时的意义: 用来描述一个即将要发生的动作;谈论未来的计划和打算。  二、一般将来时的基本结构: will/shall+动词原形 be going to+动词原形 三、常见时间状语: next Tuesday next week the coming Sunday next year this afternoon tomorrow tonight in a few minutes in the future in five years 四、一般将来时在使用中的一些注意事项: 1、will用于一切人称,shall只用于第一人称(I/we)。但现代英语倾向于所有人称都使用will而不用shall,shall主要出现在非常正式的英语场合中,或用于口语提出建议或请求。如: Shall I go home now?(请求) Shall we take different routes? (建议) 2、will/shall+do通常用来谈论未来会发生的事或是正在制定的计划;而be going to +do通常用来谈论在一个较近的未来将要发生的计划中的或是有可能发生的事。如: They will see us if we go out at the moment.(未来会发生的事) They will take different routes to the same destination.(正在制定的计划) My uncle is going to visit us next month.(在一个较近的未来将要发生的计划中的事) I think it’s going to rain.(有可能发生的事) ... ... ... 关键词:牛津译林版七年级下册英语PPT课件免费下载,《Neighbours》PPT下载,.PPT格式;


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