《Asking the way》PPT(第二课时)

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  • 详细信息
    • ID:61881
    • 版本:译林版(三起)
    • 册别:五年级下册
    • 等级:普通
    • 年份:2019
    • 大小:340 KB
    • 格式:pptx
《Asking the way》PPT(第二课时)-预览图01
《Asking the way》PPT(第二课时)-预览图02
《Asking the way》PPT(第二课时)-预览图03


译林版(三起)英语五年级下册《Asking the way》PPT(第二课时)
《Asking the way》PPT(第二课时) 第一部分内容:Introduce -- How do I get to the...?   -- Go along this street. Turn left / right at...Get on / off  at the... You can see...on your left / right. ... ... ... Asking the wayPPT,第二部分内容:Words shoe  [ʃu:]  作名词,意为“鞋子” eg:magic shoes 魔法鞋子 小练习:用所给词的适当形式填空: There____ (be) a pair of shoes behind the door. 拓展:shoe都是以复数形式出现,可以和a pair of搭配即。 a pair of shorts 一条短裤     shorts 短裤 a pair of jeans一条牛仔裤    jeans牛仔裤 many  [ˈmeni] 作形容词,意为“许多”。 eg:There are many birds in the tree.   树上有许多的鸟。 小练习:选择合适的词填空: There are so______(many, much) boys in the music room. 拓展:many后跟复数名词。  much后跟不可数名词。 a lot of ( lots of ) 后可接可数名词也可接不可数名词 which   [wɪtʃ] 作疑问代词,意为“哪一个”。对人和事的特征提问。 eg: Which season do you like?    你喜欢哪个季节? 小练习:The boy in the white shirt is my brother.(对划线部分提问) Which boy is your sister? 拓展:which +动词不定时为定语从句 意为:该做哪个 如:which to buy 该买哪一个? 和 which用法相同的还有how ,when ,where, what 如: How to do?该怎样做?  When to do? 何时做? ... ... ... Asking the wayPPT,第三部分内容:Expression She doesn’t know which to choose! 她不知道该选哪一个. 一般现在时的否定句的构成形式: (1)当主语为第三人称单数时,否定句的结构为: 主语+ doesn’t +动词原形+其他。 (2)当主语为非第三人称单数单数时,否定句的结构为: 主语+don’t+动词原形+其他 eg:I don’t know how to do. 我不知道该怎么做。 He doesn’t go to school at the weekends.  他周末不去学校。 小练习:句型转换: Linda goes shopping at the weekends(改成否定句) Linda doesn’t go shopping at the weekends. ... ... ... Asking the wayPPT,第四部分内容:Dialogue Sharon is in the shoe shop.  莎伦在鞋店里。 She likes shiny shoes.  她喜欢有光泽的鞋子。 But there are so many.   但是有许多。 She doesn’t know which to choose!   她不知道该选哪一个. In the UK,we ask “Where’s the toilet?  ” 在英国,我们问厕所在哪里? In the US, we ask “Where’s the restroom?” 在美国,我们问休息室在哪里? ... ... ... Asking the wayPPT,第五部分内容:Expand 经典小故事 The lecturer on evolution had been going on for nearly two hours. Then he started again, and said he:” Let me ask the evolutionist a question --- if we had tails like a baboon, where are they?"  "I'll venture an answer, “said an old lady.” We have worn them off sitting here so long.” 教进化论的老师已经滔滔不绝地讲了快两个小时,他的话题又来了:“让我向进化论者提个问题--如果我们曾经像狒狒那样长着尾巴,那么现在尾巴到哪里去了?” “我来试试看,”一位老太太说。 “该是我们在这里坐这么久把它们磨掉了吧。” ... ... ... Asking the wayPPT,第六部分内容:Exercise A: Mike, _____do you go to bed? B: I_______ to bed at_______.  A:_____you watch TV? B: No, I___________. A: What do you do? B:I_____my sister with her homework. A:What about your__________? B:They read newspapers. A:You ______all busy (忙碌的). ... ... ... Asking the wayPPT,第七部分内容:Homework Make up a conversation about locations. 关键词:牛津译林版五年级下册英语PPT课件免费下载,Asking the wayPPT下载,.PPT格式;


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