《What time is it?》PPT课件下载(第3课时)

  • 2024-07-04
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  • 详细信息
    • ID:61377
    • 版本:译林版(三起)
    • 册别:三年级下册
    • 等级:精品
    • 年份:2023
    • 大小:2214 KB
    • 格式:pptx
《What time is it?》PPT课件下载(第3课时)-预览图01
《What time is it?》PPT课件下载(第3课时)-预览图02


译林版(三起)英语三年级下册《What time is it?》PPT课件下载(第3课时)
人教版四年级英语下册《What time is it?》PPT课件下载(第3课时),共25页。 Warming up Get up! Get up! It’s time for breakfast! Let’s drink some milk! Go to school! Go to school! It’s time for class! Let’s listen to the teacher.  School is over!  School is over!  It’s time to go home. Let’s do our homework. It’s time for dinner! Let’s have dinner. Have some chicken! Have  some chicken! Play a game 同学们拿出提前准备的的作息时间表,完成游戏。 规则:同桌两人一组,选取其中一个的时间表,一人根据时间表上的时间先后顺序给活动标上序号,然后选择其中一个序号写在手指上。另一个人也在指尖上随意写下时间表上的一个序号。然后两个人划拳,说出“One, two, go!”后伸出手指, 根据手指上数字大的一人对应的活动和时间提示说句子“It’s... It’s time to/for... Let’s... ”。 Watch and answer What time does Mike get up? Mike gets up at 6:30. What time does Mike have an English class? Mike has an English class at 8 o’clock. Let’s play Here is a sample. You can follow it. S1: What time is it? S2: It’s seven o’clock in the morning. It’s time for breakfast. S1: What time is it? S2: It’s nine o’clock in the morning. It’s time for PE class. Summary 词汇 get up, go to school, hurry up  句型 What time is it? It’s time to/for … Homework 1. Read the dialogues aloud after class. 2. Do the exercises. ... ... ... 关键词:What time is it? PPT课件免费下载,.PPTX格式


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