《What did you do last weekend?》SectionB PPT(第1课时)

  • 2024-10-01
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  • 详细信息
    • ID:60934
    • 版本:陕旅版(三起)
    • 册别:六年级上册
    • 等级:精品
    • 年份:2021
    • 大小:342 KB
    • 格式:pptx
《What did you do last weekend?》SectionB PPT(第1课时)-预览图01
《What did you do last weekend?》SectionB PPT(第1课时)-预览图02


陕旅版(三起)英语六年级上册《What did you do last weekend?》SectionB PPT(第1课时)
人教版七年级英语下册《What did you do last weekend?》SectionB PPT(第1课时),共9页。 This Indian boy is Jay. He is a high school student. India/'ɪndiə/n.印度 /haɪ/ adj.&adv.高的(地)  high school中学 He went camping in the forest with his friends a month ago. /'fɒrɪst/n.森林 /ə'gəʊ/ adv.以前 They had fun doing many things there. They put up some tents in the clearing. put up搭起;举起  /tent/ n.帐篷  They flew kites happily. fly /flaɪ/ v. (flew /flu:/)飞  kite /kaɪt/ n.风筝  fly a kite放风筝  根据句意和首字母提示填空 1. ---Does he often go to Beijing by plane? ---- Yes, he often f____ to Beijing. 2. There are many wild animals in the f____. 3. He stayed up late last night, don’t w___ him up. 4. They will m____ to Beijing next month. 5. The news ________ us greatly. (使惊讶) 单项选择 1. The snake moved _____ the forest slowly.       A. into            B. on                  C. for              D. with 2. They _____ a tent and made a fire to keep them warm .       A. put on        B. put up           C. put down        D. put off ... ... ... 关键词:《What did you do last weekend?》PPT课件免费下载,.PPT格式;


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