《She Looks Tall and Thin》PPT课件

  • 2024-07-02
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  • 详细信息
    • ID:60787
    • 版本:陕旅版(三起)
    • 册别:五年级上册
    • 等级:免费
    • 年份:2018
    • 大小:2177 KB
    • 格式:pptx
《She Looks Tall and Thin》PPT课件-预览图01
《She Looks Tall and Thin》PPT课件-预览图02
《She Looks Tall and Thin》PPT课件-预览图03


陕旅版(三起)英语五年级上册《She Looks Tall and Thin》PPT课件
《She Looks Tall and Thin》PPT课件 第一部分内容:教学目标 1. 听懂、会用She comes from… She speaks… She looks… and… She likes sports. She can run very fast.等句型描述人物特征。 2. 能在教师的引导下,完成Part C Listen and tick or cross部分的练习。 ... ... ... 《She Looks Tall and Thin》PPT,第二部分内容:Let’s chant What’s she like? What’s she like? She is thin and short. She is thin and short.  What’s he like? What’s he like? He is tall and strong. He is tall and strong. Let’s talk Do you know the girl? Where does she come from? Does she speak English? Is she tall? Is she thin? ... ... ... 《She Looks Tall and Thin》PPT,第三部分内容:练一练 用He / She looks ... and ...代入两个以上的形容词描述相应的人物。 例如:He looks tall and strong. She looks short and thin. 课文应用:She can speak a little Chinese. Tips: 在情态动词后面,要跟动词原形。 a little表示“一点儿、一些”,可用来修饰不可数名词。 如:water, bread, chocolate, time, English等。如: I can speak a little English. 我会讲一点英语。 He has a little tea. 他有一些茶。 We need a little time. 我们需要一点时间。 ... ... ... 《She Looks Tall and Thin》PPT,第四部分内容:Let’s play Let’s play—闪卡游戏 游戏玩法: 全班分成两组,轮流派代表出来决斗。两组的代表背对背站好,各拿一张卡片放在胸前,彼此不可以偷看,其余学生—起用英文数“1、2、3”,两组代表听到“3”后快速转过身来大喊出对方所拿卡片上的单词,先说对的那一方为获胜方。比比看游戏结束时哪组的分数较高。 Let’s play—说一说 游戏玩法: 把形容词词卡反过来放在桌上,选一名学生来抽取词卡,让他用抽到的形容词找一个合适的人物进行描述,并说说其喜好等其他特征。 关键词:陕旅版五年级上册英语PPT课件免费下载,《She Looks Tall and Thin》PPT下载,.PPT格式;


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