《I think life is better today》Life now and then PPT优秀课件

  • 2024-10-01
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  • 详细信息
    • ID:59323
    • 版本:外研版
    • 册别:九年级下册
    • 等级:精品
    • 年份:2022
    • 大小:304 KB
    • 格式:pptx
《I think life is better today》Life now and then PPT优秀课件-预览图01
《I think life is better today》Life now and then PPT优秀课件-预览图02


外研版英语九年级下册《I think life is better today》Life now and then PPT优秀课件
外研版九年级英语下册《I think life is better today》Life now and then PPT优秀课件,共27页。 Objectives 1.To get information from the passage  about life now and then 2.To learn some key words and useful expressions 3.To learn to write a passage about the advantages and disadvantages of life today Focus on Words:  tiny    electric    light   candle    postman    cold    heat    full-time    role    transport Phrases: what’s more   so much/many    generally speaking    more than Patterns: … and looking after us was more than a full-time job. Families have got smaller than they were in the past. language points 1. …looking after us was more than a full-time job. …照料我们比做一份全职工作还要辛苦. 这句话的主语是动名词短语looking after us。单个v-ing形式短语在句中作主语时,谓语动词要用单数。句中more than表示“不只是,多于”。例如: He is more than a coach. He is a friend. 他不只是教练,更是朋友。 2. …what’s more, because I was a girl. 而且,我是个女孩。 what’s more表示递进,“然而/还有…… ”的意思,独立使用,既可以放句首,也可以放句中,what’s more后面加逗号。  你应该记住它,更重要的是,应该正确理解它。  You should remember it, and what’s more, you should get it right.  3. Generally speaking, I think life is better today. 总的说来,我认为今天的生活更好了。  generally speaking表示“一般而言,总的说来”。in general也可以表达同样的意思。例如: Generally speaking, we enjoyed the trip. 总的说来,我们这次旅行很愉快。 In general, women live longer than men. 总的说来,女性比男性更长寿。 Summary 本课时主要短语和句型 1. more than 2. what’s more 3. generally speaking 4. I wasn’t sent to school because my family couldn’t afford it. 5. Families have got smaller than they were in the past. 6. The only thing I don’t like, though, is that there’s so much more traffic. ... ... ... 关键词:I think life is better today PPT课件免费下载,.PPT格式;


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