《They don't sit in rows》Education PPT课件2

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  • 详细信息
    • ID:59307
    • 版本:外研版
    • 册别:九年级下册
    • 等级:免费
    • 年份:2017
    • 大小:1402 KB
    • 格式:pptx
《They don't sit in rows》Education PPT课件2-预览图01
《They don't sit in rows》Education PPT课件2-预览图02
《They don't sit in rows》Education PPT课件2-预览图03


外研版英语九年级下册《They don't sit in rows》Education PPT课件2
《They don't sit in rows》Education PPT课件2 Discussion 1.Is school fun? 2.What’s your school like? 3.What do you like best about your school? Listen and complete the sentences.  1.The weather was ________ when Tony was in London. 2.Tony played football with ________. 3.Daming is surprised to hear that Tony ___________. 4.Tony didn’t go to lessons. He was ___________. Listen again and answer the questions.  1. What did Tony do on his holiday? Tony visited a friend’s school in London on his holiday. 2. What advice did Daming give Tony on holiday?  When Tony goes on holiday, he’s supposed to stay away from school. ... ... ... Some expressions  1. It’s good to see you again.  2. How was London?  3. I went along to her school too.  4. …, you are supposed to stay away from school.  Read and answer the questions. 1.Who did Tony visit in London? Tony visited his friend Susie in London. 2. How did Tony get the photos of Susie’s school? Tony took the photos of Susie’s school. 3. Which class is a bit bigger, Susie’s or Daming’s? Daming’s class is bigger than Susie’s school. 4. What does Betty hope to do one day? Betty hopes to visit Susie’s school one day. ... ... ... Everyday English Read and make a dialogue with each one.  Did you enjoy yourself? Let’s have a look. It looks really great. 1) A: Did you enjoy yourself yesterday? B: Yes. As you saw, the party went on in a most pleasant atmosphere. 2) A: Look! Chen Jie has a lovely eraser.Let’s have a look.  B: Good idea! A: I love your hairstyle. It looks really great. B: Thank you.  ... ... ... My ideal school Discuss your ideal school life and make a report, including: start time, finish time, lunchtime,  subjects, sports, after-school activities,  school uniforms, school trip, … Language points 1. So ours is a bit bigger. ours   pron. 我们的 Your house is much bigger than ours. 你们的房子比我们的大多了。 Their house is similar to ours.    他们房子和我们的差不多。 These books aren't ours. Ours are new. 这些书不是我们的,我们的书是新的。 ours是名词性物主代词, 可以单独使用,在句子中可以作主语、表语、宾语使用。 we, us, our, ours用法 we是主格,只做主语; us 是宾格,只做宾语,后不加名词; our是 “我们的”意思,为形容词性物主代词; ours是名词性物主代词,后不加名词,相当于“our +名词”。 ... ... ... 2. Daming is surprised to hear that … Are you surprised to see him alive? 你看到他还活着很惊奇吗? 与surprised 有关的用法: ①I’m surprised at the surprising news. 我对这个令人惊讶的消息感到很吃惊。 ②To my surprise, he left without leaving a word. 令我惊奇的是,他一声不响地离开了。 ③He looked at me in surprise. 他惊奇地看着我。 根据例句①可知:surprised 与surprising都是形容词,但surprised通常作表语,用于修饰人,“惊奇于某事”为be surprised at sth.;surprising可以作表语也可以作定语,通常修饰物。 根据例句②可知:surprised的名词是surprise, 短语“令某人惊奇的是”为to one’s surprise, 根据例句③可知:in surprise 意为“惊奇地”。 ... ... ... 3. Did you enjoy yourself in London? enjoy oneself   过得愉快,感到快乐  相当于have a good time / have fun。 I enjoyed myself with you. 和你在一起,我过得很快乐。 --- Did you enjoy yourself at the party? 你在聚会时玩得高兴吗? --- I enjoyed myself very much at the party. 我在聚会时玩得真开心。 ... ... ... Practice 1. My sister ___________________ a red coat today.  2. Do you know the boy __________ black?  3. David ________ his coat and went out.  4. Look, the baby can ________ himself.  5. He has poor eyesight, so he often _______ glasses.  (2011山东济宁) Most British high school children ______ uniforms at school. A. wear         B. dress           C. put on      D. dress up 【解析】wear“穿着”;put on “穿上”;dress“给……穿衣”;dress up“装扮,打扮”。由句意“大多数英国中学生在学校穿校服”可知,用wear。 (2011兰州)Mary is used to ______ a T-shirt and jeans. A. wear           B. put on    C. wearing       D. putting on 【解析】句意“玛丽习惯于穿T恤衫和牛仔裤”,be used to doing sth.习惯于做某事,因此排除选项A、B,wear强调状态,put on强调动作,由句意知“此处表示状态”。 ... ... ... 关键词:《They don't sit in rows》教学课件,外研版九年级下册英语课件,九年级英语幻灯片课件下载,《They don't sit in rows》PPT课件下载,.ppt格式


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