《If everyone starts to do something,the world will be saved》Save our world PPT课件2

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  • 详细信息
    • ID:59267
    • 版本:外研版
    • 册别:九年级上册
    • 等级:免费
    • 年份:2017
    • 大小:3790 KB
    • 格式:pptx
《If everyone starts to do something,the world will be saved》Save our world PPT课件2-预览图01
《If everyone starts to do something,the world will be saved》Save our world PPT课件2-预览图02


外研版英语九年级上册《If everyone starts to do something,the world will be saved》Save our world PPT课件2
《If everyone starts to do something,the world will be saved》Save our world PPT课件2 Warming up What can you see? We can see  that rubbish is being burnt. The smoke goes into the air. It is causing air pollution. What can you see? We can see a very dirty river. There is lots of rubbish. The fish have been dead because of the water pollution.   What can you see? We can see  some waste paper. It can be recycled, so it is wasteful to throw it away.  ... ... ... Listening and vocabulary 1.Work in pairs. Look at the pictures and  talk about them. Use the words in the box to help you. factory, pollute, recycle, waste Air has been polluted because factories produce electricity and energy for people every day. A lot of waste paper is thrown away everywhere. We waste plenty of paper.In fact we can recycle it. 2. Listen and complete the sentences.(P96) 1. The factory is causing a lot of_________. 2. There should be some_____ to stop pollution. 3. We can_______ waste products, such as_______and paper in a recycling centre. 3. Listening part(P96) StepI Listen for the first time and choose the right answers (1)._____ is our great enemy, and we have to fight it. A.pollution    B.environment    C.factory (2).Pollution  from factories spreads over______. A.houses        B.cities      C.towns (3).They use so much _____ and cause pollution as well. A.coal        B. oil         C.cars   ... ... ... Read and  complete the passage with the correct form of the words in the box. cause, enemy, factory,  kill, oil, pollute, spread Pollution is our great (1)________. Pollution from (2)_________is a danger to our health, and may even (3)____people. Factories sometimes(4)________ rivers, and farmers cannot use the water for their crops. Pollution(5)________ over cities and villages, and that (6)______ even more danger. Cars in the street use a lot of (7)_____and cause pollution too. ... ... ... 课堂导学 1.It’s no use talking about things we can’t do. 谈论我们不能做的事情是没有用的。 句型1:It’s no use doing sth.做某事是没有用的。 固定句式It’s no use doing sth.意为“做某事是没有用的”。其中it是形式主语,真正的主语是动名词短语。 It is no use telling  him not to worry. 告诉他不要担心没有用。 It is no use crying  over spilt milk.   覆水难收 即学即练一 单项选择 It is no use____ back to one’s lost youth. A. look   B. looked    C. looking   D. to look 解析:句意为“回顾流逝的青春是没有用的”,It’s no use doing sth.意为“做某事是没有用的”。故选C。 2. Such as …?比如……? 短语1: such as 例如,比如 such as,意为“例如,比如”。用来列举同类人或物中的几个例子,as后面不可以有逗号。 The farm grows different kinds of crops ,  such as  wheat ,corn , cotton and rice. 这个农场种植不同种类的庄稼,例如小麦、玉米、棉花和水稻。 3. That means less waste. 这意味着更少的浪费。 单词1: less 较小的;较少的 less作形容词,意为“较小的;较少的”。less是little的比较级,可用来修饰不可数名词。 He spent less time doing the experiments. 他做实验花的时间较少 ... ... ... Exercises 一. 根据句意及首字母提示完成单词。 1. Don’t w_____ water. Please turn off the taps after you wash your hand. 2. I get a job in a f_________. 3. It’s more and more important for everyone to save e__________ now.  4. Air p_______ is quite harmful to our health. 5. The students from a green school are helping collect waste paper and bottles for r_______. 二. 用所给单词的适当形式或根据汉语提示填空。 1. The river has been __________(pollute).Look , the fish is dead. 2. Some factories________ (cause) pollution. 3. It’s  no use ________(cry) . 4. We should ________(回收利用)waste paper and bottles. 5. If we don’t look after our earth well, the future will be _________.(hope) 6.The __________(敌人)were forced to lay down their arms(放下武器). 三. 根据汉语意思完成英语句子。 1. 污染是我们的敌人,我们必须与之作战 Pollution is our great enemy, and we _____ _____ ______ it. 2. 来自该市的很多人都决心节约用水。 _____ _____ people from the city made up their mind to save water. 3. 迈克喜欢奶茶和可乐之类的饮料。 Mike likes drinks_____ _____ milk tea and cola. ... ... ... Homework 1.For some students ,you should read the conversation more and remember the key points. 2.For the other students ,you’d better finish task1 and do the exercises of our exercise book. 关键词:《If everyone starts to do something,the world will be saved》教学课件,外研版九年级上册英语课件,九年级英语幻灯片课件下载,《If everyone starts to do something,the world will be saved》PPT课件下载,.ppt格式


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