《We're still influenced by Confucius's ideas》Great books PPT课件2

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  • 详细信息
    • ID:59179
    • 版本:外研版
    • 册别:九年级上册
    • 等级:免费
    • 年份:2017
    • 大小:2263 KB
    • 格式:pptx
《We're still influenced by Confucius's ideas》Great books PPT课件2-预览图01
《We're still influenced by Confucius's ideas》Great books PPT课件2-预览图02
《We're still influenced by Confucius's ideas》Great books PPT课件2-预览图03


外研版英语九年级上册《We're still influenced by Confucius's ideas》Great books PPT课件2
《We're still influenced by Confucius's ideas》Great books PPT课件2 Words review discuss   v.  讨论;谈论 thinker  n.   思想家 wise   adj. 有判断力的;明智的 review   n. 评论(文章) influence   v. 影响;作用于 sense  n. 道理;意义;合理性 make sense   易理解;合情理;有意义 by the way   顺便提一下(用于在交谈中插入新话题、题外话或评论) suppose      v.猜想;猜测;推测;相信;认为 well-known  adj. 众所周知的;著名的 ... ... ... Objectives 1. To be able to understand the conversation about great books 2. To learn some key words and useful expressions  3. To be able to talk about your favourite books, plays, poems and writers Focus on Words: discuss   wise   review   influence   sense   suppose   well-known Phrases: make sense   by the way Patterns: Their works are still read by many people today. But I think I’d describe Confucius more as a teacher and thinker than a writer. I suppose he isn’t as well-known as Confucius or Shakespeare. ... ... ... 1.Work in pairs. Look at the pictures. Say who the people are and why they are famous. Confucius      Shakespeare     Mark Twain   thinker           writer               writer  thought         play, poem       story Listen to the recording and check your answers. Confucius was a great teacher and thinker in ancient China. William Shakespeare wrote plays and poems about 400 years ago, but people still can see his plays and read his poems. Mark Twain was an American writer and his works are studied in schools. 2.Listen again and complete the sentences. 1. Confucius is well-known in _____________. 2. Shakespeare wrote _____________. 3. Mark Twain’s stories are set _______ of the US. ... ... ... True or False 1. Both Betty and Mr Jackson think that Confucius and Shakespeare are great writers. 2. Confucius and Shakespeare lived hundreds of years ago, so people are influenced little by them now. 3. Mr Jackson thinks Mark Twain is as great as Confucius. 4. Betty wants Mr Jackson to join the Internet group to discuss great books. Complete the passage with the correct form of the words in the box. accept   discuss    influence   review   sense   thinker   wise Mr Jackson and Betty are (1) _________ great writers. Betty explains that in her Internet group, each person reads a favourite book and then writes a(n) (2) _______ of it. Mr Jackson (3) ________ that Confucius and Shakespeare are great because their works are still read by people today, but he thinks Confucius was more a teacher and (4) _________ than a writer. He says that Confucius was a very (5) ________ man. Mr Jackson thinks that we are still (6) _________ by Confucius’s ideas and that Shakespeare’s plays still make (7) _______ to people today. ... ... ... Language points 1. What’s up? 怎么了? What’s up?= What’s happening?/ What’s the matter? What’s up?是非正式用语,意思是“怎么了/出了什么事?”如: What’s up? Why is the baby crying? 怎么了?为什么婴儿在哭? 2. But I think I’d describe Confucius more as a teacher and thinker than a writer. 但是我更愿意把孔子描述成一位教育家和思想家,而非作家。 describe…as…意思是“把……描述为……”。如: more…than…在本句中表示“与其说是……不如说是……”。如: 成功来自努力,而非好运。 Success is more hard work than good luck. 3. …and Shakespeare’s plays also make a lot of sense to us today. 莎士比亚的戏剧现在对于我们来说也仍然很有意义。 make sense的意思是“易理解;合情理;有意义”。例如: Why did she do such a thing? It does not seem to make sense. 她为什么做这样的事?似乎没有道理。 ... ... ... 本课时主要短语和句型 1. by the way 2. make sense 3. What’s up? 4. We’re still influenced by Confucius’s ideas. 5. But I think I’d describe Confucius more as a teacher and thinker than a writer. 6. I suppose he isn’t as well-known as Confucius or Shakespeare. Spelling Bee Now 2 mins to test your spelling. 1. English-Chinese well-known    review    thinker    wise      make sense 2. Chinese-English  讨论; 谈论      猜想; 猜测; 相信; 认为 顺便提一下    影响;作用于 ... ... ... Ⅰ. 用方框中词的正确形式填空。 think     work     wise     influence 1. The Mona Lisa is still one of the most famous _______ of art in the world. 2. What Dad said that night has _________ me a lot. 3. A _______ man once said, “A man who makes no mistakes usually does not make anything.” 4. Confucius was a great ________ and educator of ancient China. Ⅱ. 根据汉语意思,用英语完成句子。 1. 我从来没有认为他是一个英雄。 I never _______ him ______ ______. 2. 我想我们下周将去那儿。 I ______ we ______ ______ there next week. 3. 不管我怎么努力地读,我还是不懂这个句子的意思。 No matter how I tried to read it, the sentence still did not ______ ______ ______ to me. ... ... ... Homework 1. Preview the new words and expressions in Unit 2. 2. Search for some information about The Adventures of Tom Sawyer. 关键词:《We're still influenced by Confucius's ideas》教学课件,外研版九年级上册英语课件,九年级英语幻灯片课件下载,《We're still influenced by Confucius's ideas》PPT课件下载,.ppt格式


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