《There were few doctorsso he had to work very hard on his own》Heroes PPT课件2

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  • 详细信息
    • ID:59119
    • 版本:外研版
    • 册别:九年级上册
    • 等级:免费
    • 年份:2017
    • 大小:525 KB
    • 格式:pptx
《There were few doctorsso he had to work very hard on his own》Heroes PPT课件2-预览图01
《There were few doctorsso he had to work very hard on his own》Heroes PPT课件2-预览图02
《There were few doctorsso he had to work very hard on his own》Heroes PPT课件2-预览图03


外研版英语九年级上册《There were few doctorsso he had to work very hard on his own》Heroes PPT课件2
《There were few doctors,so he had to work very hard on his own》Heroes PPT课件2 Revision Translate the phrases into English. 在广播电台  at a radio station 努力训练   train hard 赢得世界比赛  win world competitions 金牌  gold medals 上大学  attend university 再一次  once again 完成博士学位  complete one’s doctor’s degree 放弃 give up ... ... ... Free Talk Who’s your hero? Why? Do you want to learn about real heroes? Why? New Word Who is she? Where is she from? What’s wrong with her? She is sick. What are they? They are soldiers. They are in a war. One soldier is wounded. Which doctor will treat him? ... ... ... Do you know him? Use the words in the box to help you. Canadian   doctor    hospital  sick soldier    treat   war   wound 1.His name was Norman Bethune. 2.Norman Bethune is a Canadian. 3.He saved many lives in China.  4.He treated wounded soldiers in the war in China.  Read the text quickly, and number the events about Norman Bethune in the order they happened. a. came to China b. wrote books about ways of treating the sick in China c. was born in 1890   d. invented medical tools to use outside hospital e. died f. went to treat the wounded soldiers in Spain  ... ... ... Read the text carefully, and answer the questions. 1. What did he give his life to? 2. Why did he invent new ways to treat soldiers? 3. What did Norman Bethune do during his stay in China? 4. Why did Bethune die in the end? 5. What was wrong with his hand? 6. What made Dr Bethune a hero? Decide the sentences true or false. 1. Dr Bethune is one of China’s most famous heroes.  2. He wasn’t Chinese or Canadian.  3. He gave his life to helping the Japanese people. 4. Dr Bethune was born in 1890 and he became a doctor in 1936.  5. He went to the front to look after wounded soldiers in the Anti-Japanese War.  ... ... ... Language points 1. sick  adj. (感觉)不适的;生病的 He visits his sick uncle in hospital every day.    他每天去医院看望生病的叔叔。 She has been sick for one month.    她已病了一个月了。 He began to feel sick as soon as the ship started to move.    船一启动他就开始感觉不舒服。 知识链接 ill 和sick都有“生病的;有病的”之意,但用法并不完全相同。   ill 表示“生病的;有病的”时,一般用作表语,不能作定语;而sick 既可以作表语又可以作定语,如“病人”可以说a sick man 或the sick, 但不能说an ill man 或the ill。 sick 有“恶心的;厌倦的”之意。 ill 作定语修饰名词时是“坏的;邪恶的”之意。     He is an ill man. 他是一个邪恶的人。 ... ... ... 2. … and died for them. die for  为了 ... 而死;为…而献身;急需(某物) Let us remember the brave who died for the peace of the world.   让我们永远怀念为世界和平献身的勇士们。 I'm dying for a cup of tea. 我很想喝杯茶。 知识链接 die of  死于(疾病, 感情, 饥寒等) The beggar died of hunger and cold. 这个乞丐死于饥饿和寒冷。 die from 死于… (事故, 外伤)  The old man died from a traffic accident. 那位老人死于交通事故。 ... ... ... 3. …went to Spain in 1936 to treat the wounded soldiers …  treat   v. 医治;治疗 The doctors were not able to treat this disease.   医生治不了这种病。 The dentist will treat my tooth.   这名牙医将医治我的牙齿。 Which doctor is treating you for your illness? 哪个医生在给你看病? 知识链接 cure与treat的用法区别 treat通常强调过程,指对病人进行诊断和治疗,但不含治好的意思。 cure通常强调结果,指治愈某种疾病或某人的疾病 The doctors cured her of cancer.  医生治好了她的癌症。 ... ... ... 4. He soon realised that people were dying because … realise   v. 了解;意识到;实现 I hope everyone goes to see this film and realise the real word. 我希望大家看看这部电影, 去了解真实的世界。 He didn't realise how late it was. 他并没有意识到已经有多晚了。 She realised her dream at last. 她终于实现了梦想。 dying  adj. 垂死的;将要死去的 The little girl cried when she saw her dying cat. 看到快死的小猫,小女孩哭了。 I will remember it to my dying day.  我至死都不会忘记此事。 be dying for 渴望 ... ... ... Exercise I.根据句意和首字母提示完成单词,使句子语法正确,意义通顺。 1. Many soldiers died in the w________.  2. The hospital t__________ many people every day.  3. My brother joined the a_______ last year and became a solider.  4. What t________ do the farmers use when they are working in the fields?  II.用括号内所给词的适当形式填空。 1.My sister wants to be a _______ (medicine) student. She wants to save people’s lives when she grows up.  2. Dashan is a ________ (Canada). He comes from Canada.  3. Scientists have ________ (invent) many new technologies. They will be useful in our lives.  4. The doctors are trying their best to save the_______ (die) boy.  5. _________ (take care of) your little brother when your parents are not in.  关键词:《There were few doctors,so he had to work very hard on his own》教学课件,外研版九年级上册英语课件,九年级英语幻灯片课件下载,《There were few doctors,so he had to work very hard on his own》PPT课件下载,.ppt格式


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