《We have celebrate the festival since the first pioneers arrived in America》Public holidays PPT课件

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  • 详细信息
    • ID:59104
    • 版本:外研版
    • 册别:九年级上册
    • 等级:免费
    • 年份:2017
    • 大小:2044 KB
    • 格式:pptx
《We have celebrate the festival since the first pioneers arrived in America》Public holidays PPT课件-预览图01
《We have celebrate the festival since the first pioneers arrived in America》Public holidays PPT课件-预览图02
《We have celebrate the festival since the first pioneers arrived in America》Public holidays PPT课件-预览图03


外研版英语九年级上册《We have celebrate the festival since the first pioneers arrived in America》Public holidays PPT课件
《We have celebrate the festival since the first pioneers arrived in America》Public holidays PPT课件 Warming up Thanksgiving Day(感恩节) Date: the fourth Thursday of the November Origin of Thanksgiving Day In 1620, 102 pilgrims came to America by the famous ship“ May flower”.  In that winter, they suffered extreme hunger and cold, and only 50 settlers survived.  ... ... ... New words /ə'mʌŋ/  在…之中 prep. among /spi:tʃ/  演说;演讲 n. speech /paiə'niə/ 开拓者;先驱者 n. pioneer /grəu/ 种植;栽培(植物) v. grow /krɔ:n/ 谷物;玉米 n. corn           接着的;接下来的 prep. following /lei/ 摆放(餐桌) v. lay        摆设餐桌  lay the table /'əʊvə/ 结束的;完了的 adj. over /diʃ/  盘,碟 n.  dish /pə'reɪd/ (庆祝)游行 n. parade /aʊə'selvz/ 我们自己 ourselves ... ... ... Explanations on some key words among 后接复数名词或代词或集合名词) prep. A few men were talking among themselves . 有几个人正自顾自在聊天。 between 一般指“在两者之间”, among 一般指“在三者或三者以上之中”。 They planted a lot of trees between the two buildings.    他们在两座建筑之间种了好多树。 what‘s the different among A,B and C? A B 和 C之间有什么区别? speech 演讲 n.  make a speech 做演讲 I am going to make a speech about English learning tomorrow. 明天我将做一个关于英语学习的演讲.  ... ... ... Reading and vocabulary 1. Work in pairs. Talk about the picture. 2. Read the passage and match the headings with the paragraphs. a). The meaning of Thanksgiving b). A special dinner c). Things to do during the festival d). The history of the festival ... ... ... Language points 1. it’s a time……   是一个……的时刻 It’s a time for children to show thanks to their mothers. 这是孩子向他们的妈妈表达感谢的时刻。 【拓展】 for +名词  到了做sth的时间 It’s time to do sth  It’s time for lunch. It’s time to have lunch. 2 . give thanks for sb   对……表示感谢 I give thanks for your help. 我对你的帮助表示感谢。 3. land (v.)  着陆;登陆 (n.)  土地(不可数名词) To protect animals, we shouldn’t take the land away. 为了保护动物,我们不应该占用土地。 The ship landed safely as last. 船如往常一样安全着岸。 ... ... ... Learning to learn When you write about important events,  such as festivals, you can write what the  event is, when it is, why it is important,  what you do, who you spend it with, and  what special food you eat. ... ... ... Exercises 一、根据首字母提示填词。   1.T___________ is celebrated on the fourth Thursday in November   in America.  2.The farmer taught me how to grow c_______.   3.We usually watch the games and enjoy o________ very much. 4.They l____ the table, and begin dinner.   5.It’s a time for a special diner a______ family and friends. 二、按要求完成句子。 1. I had a great time on the National Day last year. (同义句)   I_________  ________ on the National Day last year.按要求完成句子。  2. Thanksgiving is on the fourth Thursday in America. (划线部分提问)    __________ is Thanksgiving in America?  3. The teacher taught students what they should use a computer.(同义句)     The teacher taught students _____ ____ _____ a computer.  4. I usually visit my grandparents twice one month.划线部分提问)   ______ _______ do you visit your grandparents?   5. 我们昨天晚上吃得太多,感觉很不好(翻译句子) We ate too much to feel bad yesterday evening. ... ... ... Homework Revise the new words, phrases, important points and sentences. 关键词:《We have celebrate the festival since the first pioneers arrived in America》教学课件,外研版九年级上册英语课件,九年级英语幻灯片课件下载,《We have celebrate the festival since the first pioneers arrived in America》PPT课件下载,.ppt格式


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