《Could I ask if you've mentioned this to her?》Friendship PPT课件下载

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  • 详细信息
    • ID:59040
    • 版本:外研版
    • 册别:八年级下册
    • 等级:精品
    • 年份:2021
    • 大小:212 KB
    • 格式:pptx
《Could I ask if you've mentioned this to her?》Friendship PPT课件下载-预览图01
《Could I ask if you've mentioned this to her?》Friendship PPT课件下载-预览图02


外研版英语八年级下册《Could I ask if you've mentioned this to her?》Friendship PPT课件下载
外研版八年级英语下册《Could I ask if you've mentioned this to her?》Friendship PPT课件下载,共27页。 Warming-up —What should a good friend be like? —I think that a good friend should be… Pre-listening Words and expressions helpline   n. 服务热线 separate   v. 使分开;分隔adj. 分开的;单独的 explain   v. 解释;说明 mention   v. 提及;谈到 refuse   v. 拒绝 treat   v. 对待;看待 herself   pron. 她自己 Listen and read. Now check () the true sentences. 1  Lingling called to ask for advice about her schoolwork. 2  Lingling and her best friend are now in the same school. 3  Lingling is happy to see her best friend at the same school. 4  Lingling is having a hard time in the new school. 5  Lingling gets help from the helpline. Language points 1. We got separated when we went to different schools last term, but we stayed in touch. 上学期我们去了不同的学校,分开了,但我们一直保持联系。 get separated 分开,分离 stay in touch=keep in touch 保持联系   e.g. We got separated in 1997.  Don’t forget to stay/keep in touch.  2. So could you explain what happened then? 那你能解释一下后来发生了什么吗?  explain v. 解释;说明 explain sth. to sb. 向某人解释某事   e.g. Can you explain the rules of the game?   I’ll explain the problem to you.    3. Could I ask if you’ve mentioned this to her?  我能问问你跟她说过这事吗?  mention sth. to sb. 向某人说起某事   e.g. I mentioned this idea to my mum, and she seemed to like it. Stress 重读  英语句子中单词的重读一般遵循: 1. 名词、形容词、数词、实义动词、副词、代词和表达强烈思想感情的感叹词需要重读。 2. 人称代词、连词、冠词、介词、以及少数系动词和助动词等主要起语法作用的单词一般不重读(当然有少数例外)。 Summary separate, explain, mention, refuse, treat, herself, whether, lonely, regret, patient, introduce, encourage, join in, no problem 1. Tell me when the problem started. 2. So could you explain what happened then? 3. Could I ask if you’ve mentioned this to her? 4. Do you know why she treats you like that? 5. I’m sure she regrets hurting you. Homework 1. Recite the key words and phrases. 2. Preview Unit 2. ... ... ... 关键词:《Could I ask if you've mentioned this to her?》PPT课件免费下载,.PPT格式;


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