《They have seen the Pyramids》Experiences PPT课件

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  • 详细信息
    • ID:58935
    • 版本:外研版
    • 册别:八年级下册
    • 等级:免费
    • 年份:2017
    • 大小:1990 KB
    • 格式:pptx
《They have seen the Pyramids》Experiences PPT课件-预览图01
《They have seen the Pyramids》Experiences PPT课件-预览图02


外研版英语八年级下册《They have seen the Pyramids》Experiences PPT课件
《They have seen the Pyramids》Experiences PPT课件 Work in pairs. Have you….?    Yes, I have. / No, I haven’t. Has he/ she …?  Yes, he/she has. No, he/ she hasn’t. Have you….?  Yes, I have. / No, I haven’t. wash your teeth washed your teeth ... ... ... Ask and answer the questions. 1.Which interesting places in China have you visited? 2.Have you ever seen the Great Wall? 3.Have you ever visited another country? Read and answer the questions. 1. How long have the Robinsons been in Egypt? They have been in Egypt for two years. 2. Why do they live in Cairo? Because Mike’s father’s company sent him to work there and his family went with him. 3. What have they seen and done in Egypt? They have seen the Pyramids, travelled on a boat on the Nile River, and visited the palaces and towers of ancient kings and queens. 4. What do Mike and Clare find difficult about Arabic? This language is different from English in many ways, and they find it hard to spell and pronounce the words. ... ... ... Read the paragraph one by one. Read Paragraph 1 and fill in the blanks Hello, I’m Mike Robinson. I’m ____ years old. I come from ______. Clare is my sister. She is fourteen. We are in _____ in Egypt now. ______ is one of the _____ and _______ cities in Africa. Read Paragraph 2, 3 and check the sentences. 1. Mike lives in Cairo for two years.  2. Peter’s company has sent him to work in Germany, France, English and China. 3. The Robinsons have visited the ancient palaces of the queens and kings of Egypt.  Read Paragraph 4 and fill in the blanks. Mike and Clare have learnt a little ________. This language is _______ from English in many ways. ______ and ______ the words is difficult for them, but they still enjoy learning it. They have learnt __________, ________, _______ and ______. They often _____ the languages. ... ... ... Language points 1. They have been to many interesting places. 当我们想表达“曾经去过某地方”的时候,可以用 have/ has been to 这个句型。如: He has been to America and England. 他去过美国和英国。 —Have you ever been to Shanghai?  你去过上海吗? —No, I’ve never been there before. 没有,从来没去过那。 [辨析] have been to与 have gone to的区别: have been to意为“去过某地”,人已经回来 ; have gone to意为“去了某地”,人可能已经到了那里,也可能还在路上,但不在说话的地方。如: My teacher has gone to the library. 我的老师去图书馆了。 I have ever been to Beijing. 我曾经去过北京。 ... ... ... 有关count的短语 count against 对…不利; 不利于 count on 指望;依靠  count for 有价值,有重要性  count in 把…计算在内  count as 视为;算是;看成  count down 倒读数,倒计时  count by 间隔数  count up 共计;把…加起来  count off 报数 关键词:《They have seen the Pyramids》教学课件,外研版八年级下册英语课件,八年级英语幻灯片课件下载,《They have seen the Pyramids》PPT课件下载,.ppt格式


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