《Arnwick was a city with 200.000 people》Population PPT课件

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  • 详细信息
    • ID:58843
    • 版本:外研版
    • 册别:八年级上册
    • 等级:免费
    • 年份:2017
    • 大小:327 KB
    • 格式:pptx
《Arnwick was a city with 200.000 people》Population PPT课件-预览图01
《Arnwick was a city with 200.000 people》Population PPT课件-预览图02


外研版英语八年级上册《Arnwick was a city with 200.000 people》Population PPT课件
《Arnwick was a city with 200.000 people》Population PPT课件 Words and expression /'rʌbIʃ /  垃圾;废弃物 n.  rubbish /'kwaIət / 寂静的;安静的 adj. quiet /'ləukl /  当地的;本地的 adj. local close down (永久)关闭,关停 /'pju:pl /  学生;小学生n. pupil /pə'lu:ʃn / 污染 n. pollution /'pʌblIk / 公共的;公众的 adj. public /'sɜ:vIs / 公共服务;服务 n.  service / 'sɔlv / 解决问题 v. solve ... ... ... 1 Work in groups. Answer the question.  Use the words in the box to help you. countryside   field   flat    hospital    job    office     rubbish    village  Q1:Why do people move to cities? Because …… They want to find jobs.  They want to make more money. They can go anywhere easily by bus/taxi/car... Their children can go to school. They can go to see the doctor if they are ill. ... ... ... 2 What are the problems of big cities? 1.It’s very crowded. 2.There is too much rubbish in the streets. 3.It takes an hour to get to school by bus. 4.Too much traffic brings air pollution. 5.There are not enough schools and hospitals in big cities. 6.There are not enough police in the city. 7.It is difficult to get enough clean water. 3 Check (√) the true sentences.  1  Parkville was a quiet village. 2  Arnwick was a city with  20,000  people. 3  Parkville now has a population of more than one million. 4 The local school in Parkville has 2,000 pupils. 5 Big cities need more money for public services. ... ... ... Language points 1. be close to  靠近… 他家靠近该厂。 His house is close to the factory. 他们是那么地想接近你。  They want so much to be close to you. 2. The small local school in Parkville closed down five years ago, so Jo now has to go to a school in Arnwick with 2000 pupils. close down “关闭,(永久性地)停工”。  那家公司去年关闭了。 The company closed down last year. 晚上11点过后, 电视台停止播放节目。 Television closed down after eleven o‘clock at night. 这商店于晚上11点关门。 The shop closed the door at eleven pm.. ... ... ... 不定冠词的用法。 1、a / an  a / an 用在单数可数名词前面,表示这个人或事物是泛指的不确定的一个,相当于中文的“一个”。 a 用在读音为辅音开头的名词之前, 而 an 用在读音为元音开头的名词之前。注意:这里指的是“读音”,而不仅仅指字母。 a university 一所大学 (虽然u 是元音字母,但不读元音。) an hour 一个小时 (虽然h 不是元音,但单词读音是元音开头) 定冠词的用法。  定冠词口诀,即:  ①特指某些人或物     ②谈话双方都熟悉的人或事    ③上文已经提到的人或事    ④世界上独一无二的事物前    ⑤序数词回形容词最高级前    ⑥某些专有名词前    ⑦一些习惯短语和乐器前 不用冠词的集中情况   “零冠词口诀”: 下列情况应免冠,代词限定名词前;  专有名词不可数,学科球类三餐饭;  复数名词表泛指,季节星期月份前;  颜色语种和国名,称呼习语及头衔。 ... ... ... 单项选择。 1. I read ____story. It is ______interesting story.  A. a, an      B. a, a        C. the, the  2. Britain is __ European country and China is___ Asian country.  A. an, an      B. a, a     C. a, an    3. ______China is _____ old country with _____ long history.  A. The, an, a     B. The, a, a     C. /, an, a  4. _____elephant is bigger than ______ horse.  A.  /, /       B.  An, a      C.  An, a  5. We always have ______rice for ______lunch.  A. /, /        B. the, /       C. /, a  6. It took me ______ hour and _____ half to finish ______ work.  A. a, a, a       B. an, a, a  C. an, a, the  ... ... ... Sentences 1.它们有一栋紧邻田野和山丘的小房子 They had a small house, close to fields and hills. 2. Parkville的人们搬到Arnwick去找工作,需要在那住下来。 People from Parkville moved to Arnwick to find jobs, and they needed places to live. 3.五年前,Parkville当地的一所学校关闭了 The small local school in Parkville closed down five years ago. 4.乔坐公交汽车去上学要花一个小时。沿途交通拥堵,污染严重。 It takes an hour to get there by bus. There is a lot of traffic and pollution.  5.显然,Arnwick需要更多的学校、公交车和医院,还需要新鲜的空气,干净的水源。 It is clear that Arnwick needs more schools, buses and hospitals. It needs fresh air, clean water, and better public services. 6.然而,钱能够帮助解决所有这些问题吗 However, can money help solve all these problems? ... ... ... Homework 1.完成《金牌学案》M9全部练习; 2.用笔记本将M1-M9的单词表后面的短语整理出来,并每个短语造一个句子,不会的可以查字典。 关键词:《Arnwick was a city with 200.000 people》教学课件,外研版八年级上册英语课件,八年级英语幻灯片课件下载,《Arnwick was a city with 200.000 people》PPT课件下载,.ppt格式


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