《While the lights were changing to reda car suddenly appeared》Accidents PPT优秀课件

  • 2025-03-14
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  • 详细信息
    • ID:58801
    • 版本:外研版
    • 册别:八年级上册
    • 等级:精品
    • 年份:2022
    • 大小:3479 KB
    • 格式:pptx
《While the lights were changing to reda car suddenly appeared》Accidents PPT优秀课件-预览图01
《While the lights were changing to reda car suddenly appeared》Accidents PPT优秀课件-预览图02


外研版英语八年级上册《While the lights were changing to reda car suddenly appeared》Accidents PPT优秀课件
外研版八年级英语上册《While the lights were changing to reda car suddenly appeared》Accidents PPT优秀课件,共14页。 Warm-up Q1: What accident are they? Q2: Have you ever met? Q3: How did you feel at that time? While-listening Listen and answer the questions Who saw the accident? A. Ms James       B. Lingling’s mother Did the car hit the boy? A. Yes, it did B.  No, it didn’t The information sentence:  The car stopped just in time. Post-listening Student A: You’re a policeman at an accident scene in the street. Ask people questions. Student B: You saw the accident. Answer the policeman’s questions. A: What were you doing when the accident happened? B: When the accident happened, I was walking along the street. C: When the accident happened,… D: … Homework Listen and read. Finish exercises of this lesson. Describe an accident you saw last time ... ... ... 关键词:While the lights were changing to reda car suddenly appeared PPT课件免费下载,.PPT格式;


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