《I wanted to see the Beijing Opera》Lao She's Teahouse PPT下载

  • 2024-07-02
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  • 详细信息
    • ID:58742
    • 版本:外研版
    • 册别:八年级上册
    • 等级:精品
    • 年份:2022
    • 大小:640 KB
    • 格式:pptx
《I wanted to see the Beijing Opera》Lao She's Teahouse PPT下载-预览图01
《I wanted to see the Beijing Opera》Lao She's Teahouse PPT下载-预览图02


外研版英语八年级上册《I wanted to see the Beijing Opera》Lao She's Teahouse PPT下载
外研版八年级英语上册《I wanted to see the Beijing Opera》Lao She's Teahouse PPT下载,共28页。 学习目标 Curriculum words: actress, teahouse, offer, end, in the end, no idea, act, show, common, describe Useful expressions:   How was it?   You know, …  That’s the main thing.   Functions: Talking about intentions and plans. Grammar: 能用动词不定式表达自己的意图和计划 Sentences:  — I want to see the Beijing Opera. — Why don’t we … 新课讲解 Listening and vocabulary Work in pairs.Look at the pictures and talk about them. Use the words in the box to help you. actress dance music play sing teahouse theatre  traditional Listen and underline the correct words or expressions. 1 Betty often sees/wants to see the traditional Beijing Opera. 2 Betty knows/doesn't know Lao She Teahouse. 3 Lingling says that the opera is easy/difficult to understand.  Language points offer /'ɒfə/ v.提议;提出 offer sth  提供某物 offer sb. sth. /offer sth. to sb.  (主动)给 某人提供 某物 offer to do sth. (主动)提出做某事 actor/ˈæktə(r)/n.演员(尤指男演员)  Actor 通常指男演员,actress 则常指女演员。 eg:The young actor pretended to be Hamlet. 那个年轻演员佯装成哈姆雷特。 课堂小结 Structure Infinitive structures: infinitives as objects; verbs followed by infinitives. Key words actress, teahouse, offer, end, in the end, no idea, act, show, common, describe, society Expressions How was it?  You know,...  That`s the main thing... Key sentences I wanted to see the Beijing Opera. Lingling offered to take me there. We only planned to watch for an hour. ... ... ... 关键词:I wanted to see the Beijing Opera PPT课件免费下载,.PPT格式;


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