《What is the best way to travel?》Planesships and trains PPT课件

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  • 详细信息
    • ID:58738
    • 版本:外研版
    • 册别:八年级上册
    • 等级:免费
    • 年份:2017
    • 大小:1070 KB
    • 格式:pptx
《What is the best way to travel?》Planesships and trains PPT课件-预览图01
《What is the best way to travel?》Planesships and trains PPT课件-预览图02


外研版英语八年级上册《What is the best way to travel?》Planesships and trains PPT课件
《What is the best way to travel?》Planes,ships and trains PPT课件 Words in Unit 2 旅行,旅程   journey 预定  book 停放,泊车  park 在…之外  outside 然而,可是  however 价钱为,花费,成本  cost 长途公车,四轮马车,教练  coach Learning Aims 1、Be able to spell the 6 new words and 12 key phrases of U2,such as the best way to do sth. and the second cheapest ;use the superlative degree flexibly. 2、Master the way of using the superlative degree(最高级) to describe the ways you travel by cooperation and discussion. 3、Get to know more information about travel and transportation and love our country more deeply. ... ... ... 合作探究:Cooperation and discussion 7’ 内容:探究案及训练案中的疑难点。 要求: 1.小组内先一对一, 然后组内合作讨论,随时用红笔在导学案上纠正和标注。 2.组长调控好, A层能深入拓展目标达成120%,B层能解决所有疑问,目标达成100%,C层能最大限度解决问题,目标达成80%,保证高效完成。 3.组长记录疑难点;各组积极质疑。 ... ... ... 1、即时训练  写出下列单词的最高级形式 (1)shortest (2)nicest (3)biggest       (4)thinnest (5)earliest(6)most slowly 2、例句:去那的最好的方式是什么? 即时训练 (1)B (2) I saw some beautiful flowers on my way home. (3) to work out 3、信息越多越好。 4、(1)人  sb. spend some money/sometime(in)doing/on sth. (2)  it   it will take/takes/took sb. sometime to do sth. (3)  物   sth. cost sb. some money 即时训练  1、A  2、D  3、B 4、A 5、B ... ... ... 实战演练 Daming is going to travel from London to Amsterdam. How can he get there? Can you give him some advice? 要求:积极参与,阳光展示!做一个热心向导! 熟练运用最高级给出你的建议,并表明该项 交通方式的优点和缺点。 可以小组合作展示或跨组合作展示。 Summary 学科班长总结本节课的知识点,并表扬优秀小组和个人。 关键词:《What is the best way to travel?》教学课件,外研版八年级上册英语课件,八年级英语幻灯片课件下载,《What is the best way to travel?》PPT课件下载,.ppt格式


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