《They touch noses》Body language PPT课件2

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  • 详细信息
    • ID:58490
    • 版本:外研版
    • 册别:七年级下册
    • 等级:免费
    • 年份:2017
    • 大小:965 KB
    • 格式:pptx
《They touch noses》Body language PPT课件2-预览图01
《They touch noses》Body language PPT课件2-预览图02


外研版英语七年级下册《They touch noses》Body language PPT课件2
《They touch noses》Body language PPT课件2 Words and expressions bow  v.  鞠躬,弯腰 kiss  v. & n.  吻,亲吻 shake  v. 摇晃 shake hands  握手 smile  v. & n. 微笑 British  adj. 英国的,英国人的 German  n. 德国人;德语 adj. 德国(人)的;德语的 Japanese  n. 日本人;日语 adj. 日本(人)的;日语的 ... ... ... Objectives 1. To learn the key words and useful expressions in the dialogue 2. To know the body languages in Russia, in China, in the US and in New Zealand Words:  bow, kiss, shake, smile, visitor, nod, parents, hug, touch Phrases: meet visitors, nod sb’s head, shake hands, touch noses  Patterns: How do I do that? That’s because … I didn’t know that. ... ... ... 1 Match the pictures with the words and expression from the box. bow (     )                 kiss (     ) shake hands (      )   smile (       ) 2 Listen and match the pictures with the nationality. British (      )       French (      ) German (      )    Japanese (       ) Russian (       ) ... ... ... Language points 1. … in Russia, people usually kiss three times, left, right, left. ……在俄罗斯,人们通常亲吻三次,左、右、左。 kiss   v.  吻,亲吻 The mother kissed the sleeping baby on his head. kiss   n. 吻 He threw me a kiss and went away. 2. That’s because people do different things in different countries. 那是因为不同国家的人们做法不同。 that’s because …是一个常用句式,表示 “那是因为……”,例如: That’s because you were not careful enough. 那是因为你不够仔细。 That’s because I didn’t know much about body language in this country. 那是因为我对这个国家的肢体语言了解不够。 ... ... ... Answer the questions about the dialogue. 1. What do Russian do when they meet? People in Russia usually kiss three times, left, right, left. 2. What do Chinese do when they meet? Chinese often shake hands and smile when they meet. 3. What do people in the US usually do when they meet?  In the US some people shake hands, and some kiss or hug each other. 4. What do Maori people do when they meet? They touch noses. ... ... ... Exercise I. 根据首字母及句子意思,填入恰当的词。 1.“Welcome!”, she s_____ hands and smiles. 2. She came and gave her grandpa’s a h__. 3. If you agree my ideas, you n__ your head. 4. Maori people in New Zealand t____ noses when they meet. 5. They b__  to their king every morning. II. 根据今天所学内容,完成短文。 In _____, people shake hands and smile when they meet visitors. In ________, people shake hand and sometimes kiss. In _____, people put their hand together and nod their heads. In ______, people usually kiss three times, In _________, Maori people touch noses. ... ... ... Preview To preview the new words and expressions in Unit 2 To preview the passage on Page 68 Homework Write a short passage about the greeting ways in China. 关键词:《They touch noses》教学课件,外研版七年级下册英语课件,七年级英语幻灯片课件下载,《They touch noses》PPT课件下载,.ppt格式


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